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import sys
# #################################
# Sanity check passed, can continue
# #################################
import io
import os
import re
from json_helper import json_loads
2023-02-15 13:37:20 +00:00
from sg_helpers import cmdline_runner, is_virtualenv
from _23 import filter_list, ordered_dict
from six import iteritems, PY2
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
def is_pip_ok():
# type: (...) -> bool
"""Check pip availability
:return: True if pip is ok
pip_ok = '/' != os.path.expanduser('~')
if pip_ok:
pip_version, _, _ = _get_pip_version()
if not pip_version:
pip_ok = False
cmdline_runner([sys.executable, '-c', 'import ensurepip;ensurepip.bootstrap()'], suppress_stderr=True)
return pip_ok
def _get_pip_version():
return cmdline_runner([sys.executable, '-c', 'from pip import __version__ as v; print(v)'], suppress_stderr=True)
def run_pip(pip_cmd, suppress_stderr=False):
# type: (List[AnyStr], bool) -> Tuple[AnyStr, Optional[AnyStr], int]
"""Run pip command
:param pip_cmd:
:param suppress_stderr:
:return: out, err, returncode
if 'uninstall' == pip_cmd[0]:
pip_cmd += ['-y']
elif 'install' == pip_cmd[0]:
pip_cmd += ['--progress-bar', 'off']
new_pip_arg = ['--no-python-version-warning']
if PY2:
pip_version, _, _ = _get_pip_version()
if pip_version and 20 > int(pip_version.split('.')[0]):
new_pip_arg = []
return cmdline_runner(
[sys.executable, '-m', 'pip'] + new_pip_arg + ['--disable-pip-version-check'] + pip_cmd,
def initial_requirements():
"""Process requirements
* Upgrades legacy Cheetah version 2 to version 3+
if is_pip_ok():
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyPackageRequirements
from Cheetah import VersionTuple
is_cheetah2 = (3, 0, 0) > VersionTuple[0:3]
is_cheetah3py3 = not PY2 and (3, 3, 0) > VersionTuple[0:3]
if not (is_cheetah2 or is_cheetah3py3):
for cur_mod in [_m for _m in set(sys.modules.keys()) if 'heetah' in _m]:
del sys.modules[cur_mod]
del globals()[cur_mod]
except KeyError:
del locals()[cur_mod]
except KeyError:
from gc import collect
if is_cheetah2:
run_pip(['uninstall', 'cheetah', 'markdown'])
raise ValueError
elif is_cheetah3py3:
run_pip(['uninstall', '-r', 'recommended-remove.txt'])
raise ValueError
except (BaseException, ImportError):
2023-02-15 13:37:20 +00:00
run_pip(['install', '-U'] + (['--user'], [])[is_virtualenv()] + ['-r', 'requirements.txt'])
module = 'Cheetah'
locals()[module] = __import__(module)
sys.modules[module] = __import__(module)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
def extras_failed_filepath(data_dir):
return os.path.join(data_dir, '.pip_req_spec_failed.txt')
def load_ignorables(data_dir):
# type: (AnyStr) -> List[AnyStr]
data = []
filepath = extras_failed_filepath(data_dir)
if os.path.isfile(filepath):
with, 'r', encoding='UTF8') as fp:
data = fp.readlines()
except (BaseException, Exception):
return data
def save_ignorables(data_dir, data):
# type: (AnyStr, List[AnyStr]) -> None
with, 'w', encoding='UTF8') as fp:
except (BaseException, Exception):
def check_pip_outdated(reset_fails=False):
# type: (bool) -> Dict[Any]
"""Check outdated or missing Python performance packages"""
_, work_todo, _, _ = _check_pip_env(pip_outdated=True, reset_fails=reset_fails)
return work_todo
def check_pip_installed():
# type: (...) -> Tuple[List[tuple], List[AnyStr]]
"""Return working installed Python performance packages"""
input_reco, _, installed, _ = _check_pip_env()
return installed, input_reco
def check_pip_env():
# type: (...) -> Tuple[List[tuple], Dict[AnyStr, AnyStr], List[AnyStr]]
"""Return working installed Python performance packages, extra info, and failed packages, for ui"""
_, _, installed, failed_names = _check_pip_env()
py2_last = 'final py2 release'
boost = 'performance boost'
extra_info = dict({'Cheetah3': 'filled requirement', 'CT3': 'filled requirement',
'lxml': boost, 'python-Levenshtein': boost})
extra_info.update((dict(cryptography=py2_last, pip=py2_last, regex=py2_last,
scandir=boost, setuptools=py2_last),
dict(regex=boost))[not PY2])
return installed, extra_info, failed_names
def _check_pip_env(pip_outdated=False, reset_fails=False):
# type: (bool, bool) -> Tuple[List[AnyStr], Dict[Dict[AnyStr, Union[bool, AnyStr]]], List[tuple], List[AnyStr]]
"""Checking Python requirements and recommendations for installed, outdated, and missing performance packages
:param pip_outdated: do a Pip list outdated if True
:param reset_fails: reset known failures if True
:return combined required + recommended names,
dictionary of work names:version info,
combined required + recommended names with either installed version or '' if not installed,
failed item names
if not is_pip_ok():
return [], dict(), [], []
input_reco = []
from sickgear import logger, PROG_DIR, DATA_DIR
for cur_reco_file in ['requirements.txt', 'recommended.txt']:
with, cur_reco_file)) as fh:
input_reco += ['%s\n' % line.strip() for line in fh] # must ensure EOL marker
except (BaseException, Exception):
environment = {}
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import six.moves
import pkg_resources
for cur_distinfo in pkg_resources.working_set:
environment[cur_distinfo.project_name] = cur_distinfo.parsed_version
save_failed = False
known_failed = load_ignorables(DATA_DIR)
if reset_fails and known_failed:
known_failed = []
save_failed = True
failed_names = []
output_reco = {}
names_reco = []
specifiers = {}
requirement_update = set()
from pkg_resources import parse_requirements
for cur_line in input_reco:
requirement = next(parse_requirements(cur_line)) #
except ValueError as e:
if not cur_line.startswith('--'):
logger.error('Error [%s] with line: %s' % (e, cur_line)) # name@url ; whitespace/LF must follow url
project_name = getattr(requirement, 'project_name', None)
if cur_line in known_failed and project_name not in environment:
failed_names += [project_name]
marker = getattr(requirement, 'marker', None)
if marker and not marker.evaluate():
if project_name:
# explicitly output the most recent line where project names repeat, i.e. max(line number)
# therefore, position items with greater specificity _after_ items with a broad spec in requirements.txt
output_reco[project_name] = cur_line
if project_name not in names_reco:
names_reco += [project_name]
if project_name in environment:
if environment[project_name] in requirement.specifier:
specifiers[project_name] = requirement.specifier # requirement is met in the env
if cur_line in known_failed:
known_failed.remove(cur_line) # manually installed item that previously failed
save_failed = True
requirement_update.add(project_name) # e.g. when '!=' matches an installed project to uninstall
if save_failed:
save_ignorables(DATA_DIR, known_failed)
to_install = set(names_reco).difference(set(environment))
fresh_install = len(to_install) == len(names_reco)
installed = [(cur_name, getattr(environment.get(cur_name), 'public', '')) for cur_name in names_reco]
to_update = set()
names_outdated = dict()
if pip_outdated and not fresh_install:
output, err, exit_status = run_pip([
'list', '--outdated', '--format', 'json', '--extra-index-url',
'pypi/simple'], suppress_stderr=True)
names_outdated = dict({cur_item.get('name'): {k: cur_item.get(k) for k in ('version', 'latest_version',
for cur_item in json_loads(output)})
to_update = set(filter_list(
lambda name: name in specifiers and names_outdated[name]['latest_version'] in specifiers[name],
# check whether to ignore direct reference specification updates if not dev mode
if not int(os.environ.get('CHK_URL_SPECIFIERS', 0)):
to_remove = set()
for cur_name in to_update:
if '@' in output_reco[cur_name] and cur_name in specifiers \
and 'wheel' != names_outdated[cur_name]['latest_filetype']:
# direct reference spec update, is for a package met in the env, so remove update
to_update = to_update.difference(to_remove)
except (BaseException, Exception):
updates_todo = ordered_dict()
todo = to_install.union(to_update, requirement_update)
for cur_name in [cur_n for cur_n in names_reco if cur_n in todo]:
updates_todo[cur_name] = dict({
_tuple[0]: _tuple[1] for _tuple in
(cur_name in names_outdated and [('info', names_outdated[cur_name])] or [])
+ (cur_name in requirement_update and [('requirement', True)] or [])
+ [('require_spec', output_reco.get(cur_name, '%s>0.0.0\n' % cur_name))]})
return input_reco, updates_todo, installed, failed_names
def pip_update(loading_msg, updates_todo, data_dir):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict[Any], AnyStr) -> bool
result = False
if not is_pip_ok():
return result
from sickgear import logger
failed_lines = []
input_reco = None
piper_path = os.path.join(data_dir, '.pip_req_spec_temp.txt')
for cur_project_name, cur_data in iteritems(updates_todo):
msg = 'Installing package "%s"' % cur_project_name
if cur_data.get('info'):
info = dict(name=cur_project_name, ver=cur_data.get('info').get('version'))
if not cur_data.get('requirement'):
msg = 'Updating package "%(name)s" version %(ver)s to {}'.format(
cur_data.get('info').get('latest_version')) % info
msg = 'Checking package "%(name)s" version %(ver)s with "{}"'.format(
re.sub(r',\b', ', ', cur_data.get('require_spec').strip())) % info
loading_msg.set_msg_progress(msg, 'Installing...')
with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
except (BaseException, Exception):
loading_msg.set_msg_progress(msg, 'Failed to save install data')
# exclude Cheetah3 to prevent `No matching distro found` and fallback to its legacy installer
output, err, exit_status = run_pip(['install', '-U']
+ ([], ['--only-binary=:all:'])[cur_project_name not in ('Cheetah3', )]
2023-02-15 13:37:20 +00:00
+ (['--user'], [])[is_virtualenv()]
+ ['-r', piper_path, '--extra-index-url',
pip_version = None
# ensure '-' in a project name is not escaped in order to convert the '-' into a `[_-]` regex
find_name = re.escape(cur_project_name.replace(r'-', r'44894489')).replace(r'44894489', r'[_-]')
parsed_name = re.findall(r'(?sim).*(%s\S+)\.whl.*' % find_name, output) or \
re.findall(r'(?sim).*Successfully installed.*?(%s\S+)' % find_name, output)
if not parsed_name:
parsed_name = re.findall(r'(?sim)up-to-date\S+\s*(%s).*?\s\(([^)]+)\)$' % find_name, output)
parsed_name = ['' if not parsed_name else '-'.join(parsed_name[0])]
pip_version = re.findall(r'%s-([\d.]+).*?' % find_name, os.path.basename(parsed_name[0]), re.I)[0]
except (BaseException, Exception):
# pip may output `...WinError 5 Access denied...` yet still install what appears a failure
# therefore, for any apparent failure, recheck the environment to figure if the failure is actually true
installed, input_reco = check_pip_installed()
if 0 == exit_status or (cur_project_name, pip_version) in installed:
result = True
installed_version = pip_version or cur_data.get('info', {}).get('latest_version') or 'n/a'
msg_result = 'Installed version: %s' % installed_version
logger.log('Installed %s version: %s' % (cur_project_name, installed_version))
failed_lines += [cur_data.get('require_spec')]
msg_result = 'Failed to install'
log_error = ''
for cur_line in output.splitlines()[::-1]:
if 'error' in cur_line.lower():
msg_result = re.sub(r'(?i)(\berror:\s*|\s*\(from.*)', '', cur_line)
log_error = ': %s' % msg_result
logger.debug('Failed to install %s%s' % (cur_project_name, log_error))
loading_msg.set_msg_progress(msg, msg_result)
if failed_lines:
# for example, python-Levenshtein failed due to no matching PyPI distro. A recheck at the next PY or SG upgrade
# was considered, but an is_env_changed() helper doesn't exist which makes that idea outside this feature scope.
# Therefore, prevent a re-attempt and present the missing pkg to the ui for the user to optionally handle.
failed_lines += [cur_line for cur_line in load_ignorables(data_dir) if cur_line not in failed_lines]
if None is input_reco:
_, input_reco = check_pip_installed() # known items in file content order
sorted_failed = [cur_line for cur_line in input_reco if cur_line in failed_lines]
save_ignorables(data_dir, sorted_failed)
return result
if '__main__' == __name__:
print('This module is supposed to be used as import in other scripts and not run standalone.')