
614 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#import sickbeard
#import datetime
#import re
#from sickbeard import subtitles, sbdatetime, network_timezones
#import sickbeard.helpers
#from sickbeard.common import *
#from sickbeard.helpers import anon_url
#from lib import subliminal
Add smart logic to reduce api hits to newznab server types and improve how nzbs are downloaded. Add newznab smart logic to avoid missing releases when there are a great many recent releases. Change improve performance by using newznab server advertised capabilities. Change config/providers newznab to display only non-default categories. Change use scene season for wanted segment in backlog if show is scene numbering. Change combine Manage Searches / Backlog Search / Limited and Full to Force. Change consolidate limited and full backlog. Change config / Search / Backlog search frequency to instead spread backlog searches over a number of days. Change migrate minimum used value for search frequency into new minimum 7 for search spread. Change restrict nzb providers to 1 backlog batch run per day. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Allow episodes that are released early. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Use specific api requests to search for early episode releases. Add use related ids for newznab searches to increase search efficiency. Add periodic update of related show ids. Change terminology Edit Show/"Post processing" tab name to "Other". Add advanced feature "Related show IDs" to Edit Show/Other used for finding episodes and TV info. Add search info source image links to those that have zero id under Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs". Add "set master" button to Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs" for info source that can be changed. Change terminology displayShow "Indexers" to "Links" to cover internal and web links. Change add related show info sources on displayShow page. Change don't display "temporarily" defunct TVRage image link on displayShow pages unless it is master info source. Change if a defunct info source is the master of a show then present a link on displayShow to edit related show IDs. Change simplify the next backlog search run time display in the page footer. Change try ssl when fetching data thetvdb, imdb, trakt, scene exception. Change improve reliability to Trakt notifier by using show related id support. Change improve config/providers newznab categories layout. Change show loaded log message at start up and include info source. Change if episode has no airdate then set status to unaired (was skipped). Technical Change move scene_exceptions table from cache.db to sickbeard.db. Add related ids to show obj. Add use of mapped indexer ids for newznab. Add indexer to sql in wanted_eps. Add aired in (scene) season for wanted episodes. Add need_anime, need_sports, need_sd, need_hd, need_uhd to wanted episodes and added as parameter to update_providers. Add fix for lib lockfile/mkdirlockfile. Add set master TV info source logic. Change harden ui input validation. Add per action dialog confirmation. Change to reload page under more events. Change implement "Mark all added episodes Wanted to search for releases" when setting new info source.
2016-09-04 20:00:44 +00:00
#from sickbeard.indexers.indexer_config import INDEXER_TVDB, INDEXER_IMDB
#set global $title = $
#set global $topmenu = 'home'
#set $exceptions_string = ', '.join($show.exceptions)
#set global $page_body_attr = 'display-show'
#import os.path, os
#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl')
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/lib/jquery.bookmarkscroll.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<input type="hidden" id="sbRoot" value="$sbRoot">
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/displayShow.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/plotTooltip.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/sceneExceptionsTooltip.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
#if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/ratingTooltip.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
#end if
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/ajaxEpSearch.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/ajaxEpSubtitles.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/lib/jquery.collapser.min.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
#set $fuzzydate = 'airdate'
#if $sickbeard.FUZZY_DATING
containerClass: '.${fuzzydate}',
dateHasTime: !1,
dateFormat: '${sickbeard.DATE_PRESET}',
timeFormat: '${sickbeard.TIME_PRESET}',
trimZero: #echo ('!1', '!0')[$sickbeard.TRIM_ZERO]#
#end if
$('.addQTip').each(function () {
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
$(this).css({'cursor':'help', 'text-shadow':'0px 0px 0.5px #666'});
Add smart logic to reduce api hits to newznab server types and improve how nzbs are downloaded. Add newznab smart logic to avoid missing releases when there are a great many recent releases. Change improve performance by using newznab server advertised capabilities. Change config/providers newznab to display only non-default categories. Change use scene season for wanted segment in backlog if show is scene numbering. Change combine Manage Searches / Backlog Search / Limited and Full to Force. Change consolidate limited and full backlog. Change config / Search / Backlog search frequency to instead spread backlog searches over a number of days. Change migrate minimum used value for search frequency into new minimum 7 for search spread. Change restrict nzb providers to 1 backlog batch run per day. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Allow episodes that are released early. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Use specific api requests to search for early episode releases. Add use related ids for newznab searches to increase search efficiency. Add periodic update of related show ids. Change terminology Edit Show/"Post processing" tab name to "Other". Add advanced feature "Related show IDs" to Edit Show/Other used for finding episodes and TV info. Add search info source image links to those that have zero id under Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs". Add "set master" button to Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs" for info source that can be changed. Change terminology displayShow "Indexers" to "Links" to cover internal and web links. Change add related show info sources on displayShow page. Change don't display "temporarily" defunct TVRage image link on displayShow pages unless it is master info source. Change if a defunct info source is the master of a show then present a link on displayShow to edit related show IDs. Change simplify the next backlog search run time display in the page footer. Change try ssl when fetching data thetvdb, imdb, trakt, scene exception. Change improve reliability to Trakt notifier by using show related id support. Change improve config/providers newznab categories layout. Change show loaded log message at start up and include info source. Change if episode has no airdate then set status to unaired (was skipped). Technical Change move scene_exceptions table from cache.db to sickbeard.db. Add related ids to show obj. Add use of mapped indexer ids for newznab. Add indexer to sql in wanted_eps. Add aired in (scene) season for wanted episodes. Add need_anime, need_sports, need_sd, need_hd, need_uhd to wanted episodes and added as parameter to update_providers. Add fix for lib lockfile/mkdirlockfile. Add set master TV info source logic. Change harden ui input validation. Add per action dialog confirmation. Change to reload page under more events. Change implement "Mark all added episodes Wanted to search for releases" when setting new info source.
2016-09-04 20:00:44 +00:00
show: {solo:!0},
position: {viewport:$(window), my:'left center', adjust:{ y: -10, x: 2 }},
style: {classes:'qtip-rounded qtip-shadow qtip-maxwidth'}
#end raw
#if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
\$.fn.generateStars = function() {
return this.each(function(i,e){\$(e).html(\$('<span/>').width(\$(e).text()*12));});
#end if
TVShowList = [${tvshow_id_csv}]
<div class="displayshow-wrapper reg all">
<div class="background-container">
<div style="" class="background"></div>
<div class="pull-left form-inline">
Change show:
#set $displayshowlist = []
#set $cur_sel = 0
#for $curShowList in $sortedShowLists
#set $curShowType = $curShowList[0]
#set $curShowList = $curShowList[1]
#if 1 < len($sortedShowLists)
#set void = $displayshowlist.append('\t\t\t<optgroup label="%s">' % $curShowType)
#end if
#for $curShow in $curShowList
#set void = $displayshowlist.append('\t\t\t<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>' % ($curShow.indexerid, ('', ' selected="selected"')[$curShow == $show], $
#end for
#if 1 < len($sortedShowLists)
#set void = $displayshowlist.append('\t\t\t</optgroup>')
#end if
#end for
<div class="navShow"><img id="prevShow" src="$sbRoot/images/prev.png" alt="&lt;&lt;" title="$prev_title" class="addQTip" /></div>
<select id="pickShow" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
#echo '\n'.join($displayshowlist)#
<div class="navShow"><img id="nextShow" src="$sbRoot/images/next.png" alt="&gt;&gt;" title="$next_title" class="addQTip" /></div>
<div class="clearfix" style="margin-bottom:15px"></div>
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
#if $show_message
<div class="alert alert-info">
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
#end if
<div class="display-show-container">
<div id="posterCol" class="hidden-xs">
<a href="$sbRoot/showPoster/?show=$show.indexerid&amp;which=poster" rel="dialog" title="View poster for $">
<img src="$sbRoot/showPoster/?show=$show.indexerid&amp;which=poster_thumb" class="tvshowImg" alt="" />
<div id="showCol" class="display-details">
#if int($show.paused)
<div class="paused paused-highlight">
<i class="sgicon-pause paused-outline"></i>
#end if
<div id="details-wrapper">
<div id="details-right">
#if 0 < len($seasonResults)
##There is a special/season_0?##
#set $season_special = (0, 1)[0 == int($seasonResults[-1]['season'])]
#if not $sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS and $season_special
#end if
#if $season_special
<span class="details-title">Specials</span>
<span class="details-info">#if sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS#<a href="#season-0">View</a><span style="margin:0 10px">-</span>#end if#<a class="inner" href="$sbRoot/toggleDisplayShowSpecials/?show=$show.indexerid">#echo ('Show', 'Hide')[sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS]#</a></span>
#end if
#set $many_seasons = 12 < len($seasonResults)
<div class="details-seasons">
<span class="details-title#echo ('', ' combo-seasons')[$many_seasons]#">Season</span>
<span class="details-info">
#if $many_seasons
<select id="seasonJump" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
<option value="jump">Jump to season</option>
#for $seasonNum in $seasonResults
#if 0 == int($seasonNum['season'])
#end if
<option value="#season-$seasonNum['season']">Season $seasonNum['season']</option>
#end for
#for $seasonNum in $seasonResults
#if 0 == int($seasonNum['season'])
#end if
<a href="#season-$seasonNum['season']">$seasonNum['season']</a>
#end for
#end if
#end if
<div id="details-top">
<div id="showtitle" data-showname="$">
<h2 class="title" id="scene_exception_$show.indexerid"><span>$</span></h2>
#set $genres_done = False
#if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and 'genres' in $show.imdb_info and '' != $show.imdb_info['genres']
#for $imdbgenre in $show.imdb_info['genres'].split('|')
#set $genres_done = True
<span class="label"><a href="<%= anon_url('', imdbgenre.lower().replace('-','_'),'&amp;sort=moviemeter,asc&amp;title_type=tv_series') %>" target="_blank" title="View other popular $imdbgenre shows on">$imdbgenre.replace('Sci-Fi','Science-Fiction')</a></span>
#end for
#end if
#if not $genres_done and $show.genre
#for $genre in $show.genre[1:-1].split('|')
#set $genres_done = True
<span class="label">$genre</span>
#end for#
#end if
#if not $genres_done
<span class="label">No genres</span>
#end if
<div id="details-wrapper">
<div id="details-right">
Add smart logic to reduce api hits to newznab server types and improve how nzbs are downloaded. Add newznab smart logic to avoid missing releases when there are a great many recent releases. Change improve performance by using newznab server advertised capabilities. Change config/providers newznab to display only non-default categories. Change use scene season for wanted segment in backlog if show is scene numbering. Change combine Manage Searches / Backlog Search / Limited and Full to Force. Change consolidate limited and full backlog. Change config / Search / Backlog search frequency to instead spread backlog searches over a number of days. Change migrate minimum used value for search frequency into new minimum 7 for search spread. Change restrict nzb providers to 1 backlog batch run per day. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Allow episodes that are released early. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Use specific api requests to search for early episode releases. Add use related ids for newznab searches to increase search efficiency. Add periodic update of related show ids. Change terminology Edit Show/"Post processing" tab name to "Other". Add advanced feature "Related show IDs" to Edit Show/Other used for finding episodes and TV info. Add search info source image links to those that have zero id under Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs". Add "set master" button to Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs" for info source that can be changed. Change terminology displayShow "Indexers" to "Links" to cover internal and web links. Change add related show info sources on displayShow page. Change don't display "temporarily" defunct TVRage image link on displayShow pages unless it is master info source. Change if a defunct info source is the master of a show then present a link on displayShow to edit related show IDs. Change simplify the next backlog search run time display in the page footer. Change try ssl when fetching data thetvdb, imdb, trakt, scene exception. Change improve reliability to Trakt notifier by using show related id support. Change improve config/providers newznab categories layout. Change show loaded log message at start up and include info source. Change if episode has no airdate then set status to unaired (was skipped). Technical Change move scene_exceptions table from cache.db to sickbeard.db. Add related ids to show obj. Add use of mapped indexer ids for newznab. Add indexer to sql in wanted_eps. Add aired in (scene) season for wanted episodes. Add need_anime, need_sports, need_sd, need_hd, need_uhd to wanted episodes and added as parameter to update_providers. Add fix for lib lockfile/mkdirlockfile. Add set master TV info source logic. Change harden ui input validation. Add per action dialog confirmation. Change to reload page under more events. Change implement "Mark all added episodes Wanted to search for releases" when setting new info source.
2016-09-04 20:00:44 +00:00
<span class="details-title">Links</span>
<span class="details-info">
Add smart logic to reduce api hits to newznab server types and improve how nzbs are downloaded. Add newznab smart logic to avoid missing releases when there are a great many recent releases. Change improve performance by using newznab server advertised capabilities. Change config/providers newznab to display only non-default categories. Change use scene season for wanted segment in backlog if show is scene numbering. Change combine Manage Searches / Backlog Search / Limited and Full to Force. Change consolidate limited and full backlog. Change config / Search / Backlog search frequency to instead spread backlog searches over a number of days. Change migrate minimum used value for search frequency into new minimum 7 for search spread. Change restrict nzb providers to 1 backlog batch run per day. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Allow episodes that are released early. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Use specific api requests to search for early episode releases. Add use related ids for newznab searches to increase search efficiency. Add periodic update of related show ids. Change terminology Edit Show/"Post processing" tab name to "Other". Add advanced feature "Related show IDs" to Edit Show/Other used for finding episodes and TV info. Add search info source image links to those that have zero id under Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs". Add "set master" button to Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs" for info source that can be changed. Change terminology displayShow "Indexers" to "Links" to cover internal and web links. Change add related show info sources on displayShow page. Change don't display "temporarily" defunct TVRage image link on displayShow pages unless it is master info source. Change if a defunct info source is the master of a show then present a link on displayShow to edit related show IDs. Change simplify the next backlog search run time display in the page footer. Change try ssl when fetching data thetvdb, imdb, trakt, scene exception. Change improve reliability to Trakt notifier by using show related id support. Change improve config/providers newznab categories layout. Change show loaded log message at start up and include info source. Change if episode has no airdate then set status to unaired (was skipped). Technical Change move scene_exceptions table from cache.db to sickbeard.db. Add related ids to show obj. Add use of mapped indexer ids for newznab. Add indexer to sql in wanted_eps. Add aired in (scene) season for wanted episodes. Add need_anime, need_sports, need_sd, need_hd, need_uhd to wanted episodes and added as parameter to update_providers. Add fix for lib lockfile/mkdirlockfile. Add set master TV info source logic. Change harden ui input validation. Add per action dialog confirmation. Change to reload page under more events. Change implement "Mark all added episodes Wanted to search for releases" when setting new info source.
2016-09-04 20:00:44 +00:00
#set $tvdb_id = None
#for $src_id, $src_name in $sickbeard.indexerApi().all_indexers.iteritems()
#if sickbeard.indexerApi($src_id).config.get('defunct') and $src_id != $show.indexer
#end if
#if $src_id in $show.ids and $show.ids[$src_id].get('id', 0) > 0 and $sickbeard.indexermapper.MapStatus.NOT_FOUND != $show.ids[$src_id]['status']
#if $INDEXER_TVDB == $src_id
#set $tvdb_id = $show.ids[$src_id]['id']
#end if
#if $INDEXER_IMDB == $src_id and not $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO
#end if
#if not sickbeard.indexerApi($src_id).config.get('defunct')
<a class="service" href="$anon_url(sickbeard.indexerApi($src_id).config['show_url'], $show.ids[$src_id]['id'])" onclick=", '_blank'); return !1;" title="View $src_name info in new tab">
<a class="service" href="$sbRoot/home/editShow?show=$show.indexerid#core-component-group3" title="Edit related show IDs">
#end if#
<img alt="$src_name" height="16" width="16" src="$sbRoot/images/$sickbeard.indexerApi($src_id).config['icon']" />
#end if
#end for
##if $tvdb_id
## <a class="service" href="$anon_url('', $tvdb_id)" onclick=", '_blank'); return !1;" title="View info in new tab"><img alt="" height="16" width="16" src="$sbRoot/images/fanart.png" /></a>
##end if
#if $xem_numbering or $xem_absolute_numbering
Add smart logic to reduce api hits to newznab server types and improve how nzbs are downloaded. Add newznab smart logic to avoid missing releases when there are a great many recent releases. Change improve performance by using newznab server advertised capabilities. Change config/providers newznab to display only non-default categories. Change use scene season for wanted segment in backlog if show is scene numbering. Change combine Manage Searches / Backlog Search / Limited and Full to Force. Change consolidate limited and full backlog. Change config / Search / Backlog search frequency to instead spread backlog searches over a number of days. Change migrate minimum used value for search frequency into new minimum 7 for search spread. Change restrict nzb providers to 1 backlog batch run per day. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Allow episodes that are released early. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Use specific api requests to search for early episode releases. Add use related ids for newznab searches to increase search efficiency. Add periodic update of related show ids. Change terminology Edit Show/"Post processing" tab name to "Other". Add advanced feature "Related show IDs" to Edit Show/Other used for finding episodes and TV info. Add search info source image links to those that have zero id under Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs". Add "set master" button to Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs" for info source that can be changed. Change terminology displayShow "Indexers" to "Links" to cover internal and web links. Change add related show info sources on displayShow page. Change don't display "temporarily" defunct TVRage image link on displayShow pages unless it is master info source. Change if a defunct info source is the master of a show then present a link on displayShow to edit related show IDs. Change simplify the next backlog search run time display in the page footer. Change try ssl when fetching data thetvdb, imdb, trakt, scene exception. Change improve reliability to Trakt notifier by using show related id support. Change improve config/providers newznab categories layout. Change show loaded log message at start up and include info source. Change if episode has no airdate then set status to unaired (was skipped). Technical Change move scene_exceptions table from cache.db to sickbeard.db. Add related ids to show obj. Add use of mapped indexer ids for newznab. Add indexer to sql in wanted_eps. Add aired in (scene) season for wanted episodes. Add need_anime, need_sports, need_sd, need_hd, need_uhd to wanted episodes and added as parameter to update_providers. Add fix for lib lockfile/mkdirlockfile. Add set master TV info source logic. Change harden ui input validation. Add per action dialog confirmation. Change to reload page under more events. Change implement "Mark all added episodes Wanted to search for releases" when setting new info source.
2016-09-04 20:00:44 +00:00
<a class="service" href="$anon_url('', $" rel="noreferrer" onclick=", '_blank'); return !1;" title="View XEM info in new tab"><img alt="[xem]" height="16" width="16" src="$sbRoot/images/xem.png" /></a>
#end if
#set $startyear, $flags, $runtime = (None, False, None)
#if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and $show.imdbid
#if 'year' in $show.imdb_info
#set $startyear = $show.imdb_info['year']
#end if
#set $flags = 'country_codes' in $show.imdb_info and '' != $show.imdb_info['country_codes']
#if 'runtimes' in $show.imdb_info
#set $runtime = $show.imdb_info['runtimes']
#end if
#end if
#if None is $startyear and $show.startyear
#set $startyear = $show.startyear
#end if
#if None is $runtime and $show.runtime
#set $runtime = $show.runtime
#end if
#if None is not $startyear or $flags
<span class="details-title">Premiered</span>
<span class="details-info">
<span class="space-right">#echo ($startyear, 'Unknown')[None is $startyear]#</span>
#if $flags
#for $country in $show.imdb_info['country_codes'].split('|')
<img class="flag space-right" src="$sbRoot/images/flags/${$country}.png" width="16" height="11" />
#end for
#end if
#end if
#if $show.airs
#set $showairs = '%s%s' % ($show.airs.replace('y', 'y,'),
('', ' <span class="red-text" style="font-weight:bold">(invalid timeformat)</span>')[not $network_timezones.test_timeformat($show.airs)])
<span class="details-title">Airs</span>
<span class="details-info">$showairs</span>
#end if
#if $
<span class="details-title">Network</span>
<span class="details-info">$</span>
#end if
#if None is not $runtime
<span class="details-title">Runtime</span>
<span class="details-info">$runtime minutes</span>
#end if
#if '' != $show.status
<span class="details-title">Status</span>
<span class="details-info">$show.status</span>
#end if
#if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and 'rating' in $show.imdb_info
<span class="details-title">IMDb rating</span>
<span class="details-info">
#if '' != $show.imdb_info['votes']
#set $rating_tip = '%s of 10 stars<br />%s votes' % (str($show.imdb_info['rating']), str($show.imdb_info['votes']))
<span class="imdbstars" qtip-content="$rating_tip">$show.imdb_info['rating']</span>
<span>No votes available</span>
#end if
#end if
#set $anyQualities, $bestQualities = $Quality.splitQuality(int($show.quality))
#if $show.quality in $qualityPresets
<span class="details-title">Quality</span>
<span class="details-info">
<span class="quality $qualityPresetStrings[$show.quality]">$qualityPresetStrings[$show.quality]</span>
#if $anyQualities
<span class="details-title">Initial</span>
<span class="details-info">
#echo ', '.join([$Quality.qualityStrings[$x] for $x in sorted($anyQualities)])#
#end if
#if $bestQualities
<span class="details-title">Upgrade to</span>
<span class="details-info">
#echo ', '.join([$Quality.qualityStrings[$x] for $x in sorted($bestQualities)])#
#end if
#end if
<div id="details-left">
<div class="details-plot#echo ('', ' no-plot')['' == $show.overview]#">
#echo ('No plot overview available', $show.overview)['' != $show.overview]#
<div id="details-bottom">
<span class="label addQTip" title="Info language, $show.lang"><img src="$sbRoot/images/flags/${show.lang}.png" width="16" height="11" alt="" style="margin-top:-1px" /></span>
<span class="label addQTip" title="Location#echo (' no longer exists" style="background-color:#8f1515"', '"')[$showLoc[1]]#>$showLoc[0]</span>
<span class="label addQTip" title="Size">$sickbeard.helpers.human(sickbeard.helpers.get_size($showLoc[0]))</span>
#set $filecount = sum([$c for $k, $c in $epCounts['videos'].items()])
<span class="label addQTip" title="Videos">$filecount file$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($filecount)</span>
#if $show.paused
<span class="label label-paused">Paused</span>
#end if
#if ($anyQualities + $bestQualities) and int($show.archive_firstmatch)
<span class="label">End upgrade on first match</span>
#end if
#if $show.exceptions
<span class="label addQTip" title="$exceptions_string.replace(', ', '<br />')">Scene names</span>
#end if
#if $show.rls_ignore_words
<span class="label addQTip" title="#echo $show.rls_ignore_words.replace(',', '<br />')#">Ignored words</span>
#end if
#if $show.rls_require_words
<span class="label addQTip" title="#echo $show.rls_require_words.replace(',', '<br />')#">Required words</span>
#end if
#if $show.flatten_folders or $sickbeard.NAMING_FORCE_FOLDERS
<span class="label">Flat folders</span>
#end if
#if int($show.air_by_date)
<span class="label">Air by date</span>
#end if
#if int($show.dvdorder)
<span class="label">DVD order</span>
#end if
#if int($show.scene)
<span class="label">Scene numbering</span>
#end if
#if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES and int($show.subtitles)
<span class="label">Subtitles</span>
#end if
#if int($show.is_sports)
<span class="label">Sports</span>
#end if
#if int($show.is_anime)
<span class="label">Anime</span>
#end if
#if $bwl and $bwl.whitelist
<span class="label addQTip" title="#echo ', '.join($bwl.whitelist).replace(',', '<br />')#">Wanted group$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural(len($bwl.whitelist))</span>
#end if
#if $bwl and $bwl.blacklist
<span class="label addQTip" title="#echo ', '.join($bwl.blacklist).replace(',', '<br />')#">Unwanted group$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural(len($bwl.blacklist))</span>
#end if
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="pull-left">
<p style="margin-bottom:5px">Change selected episodes to</p>
<select id="statusSelect" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
#for $curStatus in [$WANTED, $SKIPPED, $ARCHIVED, $IGNORED, $FAILED] + sorted($Quality.DOWNLOADED)
#if $DOWNLOADED == $curStatus
#end if
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
<option value="$curStatus">$statusStrings[$curStatus]</option>
#end for
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
<input type="hidden" id="showID" value="$show.indexerid">
<input type="hidden" id="indexer" value="$show.indexer">
<input class="btn btn-inline" type="button" id="changeStatus" value="Go">
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
<div class="pull-right clearfix" id="checkboxControls">
<div style="padding-bottom:5px">
<label for="wanted"><span class="wanted"><input type="checkbox" id="wanted" checked="checked"> Wanted: <b>$epCounts[$Overview.WANTED]</b></span></label>
<label for="qual"><span class="qual"><input type="checkbox" id="qual" checked="checked"> Low quality: <b>$epCounts[$Overview.QUAL]</b></span></label>
<label for="good"><span class="good"><input type="checkbox" id="good" checked="checked"> Downloaded: <b>$epCounts[$Overview.GOOD]</b></span></label>
<label for="skipped"><span class="skipped"><input type="checkbox" id="skipped" checked="checked"> Skipped: <b>$epCounts[$Overview.SKIPPED]</b></span></label>
<label for="snatched"><span class="snatched"><input type="checkbox" id="snatched" checked="checked"> Snatched: <b>$epCounts[$Overview.SNATCHED]</b></span></label>
<div class="pull-right" >
<button class="btn btn-xs seriesCheck">Select filtered episodes</button>
<button class="btn btn-xs clearAll">Clear all</button>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
#set $curSeason = -1
#set $odd = 0
#set $scene, $scene_anime = (False, False)
#if not $show.air_by_date and not $show.is_sports and not $show.is_anime and $show.is_scene
#set $scene = True
#elif not $show.air_by_date and not $show.is_sports and $show.is_anime and $show.is_scene
#set $scene_anime = True
#end if
#if 0 == len($sqlResults)
<div style="margin-top:50px">
<h3>Episodes do not exist for this show at the associated indexer
Add smart logic to reduce api hits to newznab server types and improve how nzbs are downloaded. Add newznab smart logic to avoid missing releases when there are a great many recent releases. Change improve performance by using newznab server advertised capabilities. Change config/providers newznab to display only non-default categories. Change use scene season for wanted segment in backlog if show is scene numbering. Change combine Manage Searches / Backlog Search / Limited and Full to Force. Change consolidate limited and full backlog. Change config / Search / Backlog search frequency to instead spread backlog searches over a number of days. Change migrate minimum used value for search frequency into new minimum 7 for search spread. Change restrict nzb providers to 1 backlog batch run per day. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Allow episodes that are released early. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Use specific api requests to search for early episode releases. Add use related ids for newznab searches to increase search efficiency. Add periodic update of related show ids. Change terminology Edit Show/"Post processing" tab name to "Other". Add advanced feature "Related show IDs" to Edit Show/Other used for finding episodes and TV info. Add search info source image links to those that have zero id under Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs". Add "set master" button to Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs" for info source that can be changed. Change terminology displayShow "Indexers" to "Links" to cover internal and web links. Change add related show info sources on displayShow page. Change don't display "temporarily" defunct TVRage image link on displayShow pages unless it is master info source. Change if a defunct info source is the master of a show then present a link on displayShow to edit related show IDs. Change simplify the next backlog search run time display in the page footer. Change try ssl when fetching data thetvdb, imdb, trakt, scene exception. Change improve reliability to Trakt notifier by using show related id support. Change improve config/providers newznab categories layout. Change show loaded log message at start up and include info source. Change if episode has no airdate then set status to unaired (was skipped). Technical Change move scene_exceptions table from cache.db to sickbeard.db. Add related ids to show obj. Add use of mapped indexer ids for newznab. Add indexer to sql in wanted_eps. Add aired in (scene) season for wanted episodes. Add need_anime, need_sports, need_sd, need_hd, need_uhd to wanted episodes and added as parameter to update_providers. Add fix for lib lockfile/mkdirlockfile. Add set master TV info source logic. Change harden ui input validation. Add per action dialog confirmation. Change to reload page under more events. Change implement "Mark all added episodes Wanted to search for releases" when setting new info source.
2016-09-04 20:00:44 +00:00
<a class="service" href="$anon_url(sickbeard.indexerApi($show.indexer).config['show_url'], $show.indexerid)" onclick=", '_blank'); return !1;" title="View $sickbeard.indexerApi($show.indexer).name info in new tab">$sickbeard.indexerApi($show.indexer).name</a>
#set $network_timezone = $network_timezones.get_network_timezone($
#set $network_time = $network_timezones.parse_time($show.airs)
#for $epResult in $sqlResults
#set $epStr = '%sx%s' % ($epResult['season'], $epResult['episode'])
#if not $epStr in $epCats or (0 == int($epResult['season']) and not $sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS)
#end if
#if $curSeason != int($epResult['season'])
#if 0 <= $curSeason
#end if
<table class="sickbeardTable" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr id="season-$epResult['season']">
<th class="row-seasonheader" colspan="13">
<button id="showseason-$epResult['season']" type="button" class="btn btn-default pull-right#echo '%s%s' % (('', ' display-season')[int($epResult['season']) in $display_seasons], ('', ' latest-season')[$latest_season == int($epResult['season'])])#" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseSeason-$epResult['season']">Show episodes<span class="sgicon-arrowdown" style="margin-left:4px"></span></button>
#set $videos = 'none' if $epResult['season'] not in $epCounts['videos'] else $epCounts['videos'][$epResult['season']]
#set $archived = False if $epResult['season'] not in $epCounts['archived'] else $epCounts['archived'][$epResult['season']]
<h3><a name="season-$epResult['season']"></a>#if 0 == int($epResult['season']) then 'Specials' else 'Season ' + str($epResult['season'])
<span class="season-status"><b>[</b> <span class="footerhighlight">$videos</span> / <span class="footerhighlight">$epCounts['totals'][$epResult['season']]</span><span class="archived-count">#echo ('', '&nbsp;with <span class="footerhighlight">%s</span> archived' % $archived)[0 < $archived]#</span> <b>]</b></span>
<tbody id="collapseSeason-$epResult['season']" class="collapse#echo '%s%s' % (('', ' display-season')[int($epResult['season']) in $display_seasons], ('', ' latest-season')[$latest_season == int($epResult['season'])])#">
<tr id="season-$epResult['season']-cols" class="seasoncols">
<th class="col-checkbox"><input type="checkbox" class="seasonCheck" id="$epResult['season']"></th>
<th class="col-metadata">NFO</th>
<th class="col-metadata">TBN</th>
<th class="col-ep">Episode</th>
#if $show.is_anime
<th class="col-ep">Absolute</th>
#end if
#if $scene
<th class="col-ep">Scene</th>
#end if
#if $scene_anime
<th class="col-ep">Scene absolute</th>
#end if
<th class="col-name">Name</th>
<th class="col-airdate">Airdate</th>
#if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES and $show.subtitles
<th class="col-subtitles">Subtitles</th>
#end if
<th class="col-status">Status</th>
<th class="col-search">Search</th>
#set $curSeason = int($epResult['season'])
#end if
#set $epLoc = $epResult['location']
#set never_aired = 0 < $curSeason and 1 == int($epResult['airdate'])
<tr class="#echo ($Overview.overviewStrings[$epCats[$epStr]], 'airdate-never')[$never_aired]##echo ('', ' archived')[ARCHIVED == int($epResult['status'])]# season-$curSeason seasonstyle">
<td class="col-checkbox">
#if ($UNAIRED != int($epResult['status']) or $sickbeard.SEARCH_UNAIRED) and not $never_aired
<input type="checkbox" class="epCheck" id="#echo $epStr#" name="#echo $epStr#">
#end if
<td align="center"><img src="$sbRoot/images/#if int($epResult['hasnfo']) then 'nfo.gif" alt="Yes" title="Yes' else 'nfo-no.gif" alt="No" title="No'#" width="23" height="11" /></td>
<td align="center"><img src="$sbRoot/images/#if int($epResult['hastbn']) then 'tbn.gif" alt="Yes" title="Yes' else 'tbn-no.gif" alt="No" title="No'#" width="23" height="11" /></td>
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
<td align="center">
#if $epLoc and $show._location and $epLoc.lower().startswith($show._location.lower())
#set $epLoc = $epLoc[len($show._location)+1:]
#elif $epLoc and (not $epLoc.lower().startswith($show._location.lower()) or not $show._location)
#set $epLoc = $epLoc
#end if
#if '' != $epLoc and None != $epLoc
<span title="$epLoc - <strong>$sickbeard.helpers.human($epResult['file_size'])</strong>" class="addQTip">$epResult["episode"]</span>
#end if
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
#if $show.is_anime
<td align="center">$epResult['absolute_number']</td>
#end if
#if $scene
#set $dfltSeas, $dfltEpis = (0, 0) if ($epResult['season'], $epResult['episode']) not in $xem_numbering else $xem_numbering[($epResult['season'], $epResult['episode'])]
<td align="center">
<input type="text" placeholder="#echo '%sx%s' % ($dfltSeas, $dfltEpis)#" size="6" maxlength="8"
class="sceneSeasonXEpisode form-control input-scene" data-for-season="$epResult['season']" data-for-episode="$epResult['episode']"
id="#echo 'sceneSeasonXEpisode_%s_%s_%s' % ($show.indexerid, $epResult['season'], $epResult['episode'])#"
title="Change the value here if scene numbering differs from the indexer episode numbering"
#if ($epResult['season'], $epResult['episode']) in $scene_numbering
#set $scSeas, $scEpis = $scene_numbering[($epResult['season'], $epResult['episode'])]
value="#echo '%sx%s' % ($scSeas, $scEpis)#"
#end if
style="padding:0; text-align:center; max-width:60px">
#elif $scene_anime
#set $dfltAbsolute = 0 if $epResult['absolute_number'] not in $xem_absolute_numbering else $xem_absolute_numbering[$epResult['absolute_number']]
<td align="center">
<input type="text" placeholder="$dfltAbsolute" size="6" maxlength="8"
class="sceneAbsolute form-control input-scene" data-for-absolute="$epResult['absolute_number']"
id="#echo 'sceneAbsolute_%s_%s' % ($show.indexerid, $epResult['absolute_number'])#"
title="Change the value here if scene absolute numbering differs from the indexer absolute numbering"
#if $epResult['absolute_number'] in $scene_absolute_numbering
#end if
style="padding:0; text-align:center; max-width:60px" />
#end if
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
<td class="col-name">
<img src="$sbRoot/images/info32.png" width="16" height="16" alt="" class="plotInfo#echo '%s" />' %\
('None', ('" id="plot_info_%s_%s_%s' % ($show.indexerid, $epResult['season'], $epResult['episode'])))[None is not $epResult['description'] and '' != $epResult['description']]#
<%= '<em class="tba grey-text">TBA</em>' if not epResult['name'] or 'TBA' == epResult['name'] else epResult['name'] %>
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
<td class="col-airdate">
<span class="${fuzzydate}">#if 1 == int($epResult['airdate']) then 'never' else $sbdatetime.sbdatetime.sbfdate($sbdatetime.sbdatetime.convert_to_setting($network_timezones.parse_date_time($epResult['airdate'], $network_time, $network_timezone)))#</span>
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
#if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES and $show.subtitles
<td class="col-subtitles" align="center">
#if $epResult['subtitles']
#for $sub_lang in subliminal.language.language_list($epResult['subtitles'].split(','))
#if '' != sub_lang.alpha2
<img src="$sbRoot/images/flags/${sub_lang.alpha2}.png" width="16" height="11" alt="${sub_lang}" />
#end if
#end for
#end if
#end if
#set $curStatus, $curQuality = $Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int($epResult['status']))
#if Quality.NONE != $curQuality
<td class="col-status">$statusStrings[$curStatus] <span class="quality $Quality.qualityStrings[$curQuality].replace('720p','HD720p').replace('1080p','HD1080p').replace('RawHD TV', 'RawHD').replace('HD TV', 'HD720p')">$Quality.qualityStrings[$curQuality]</span></td>
<td class="col-status">$statusStrings[$curStatus]</td>
#end if
<td class="col-search">
#if 0 != int($epResult['season'])
#if (int($epResult['status']) in $Quality.SNATCHED or int($epResult['status']) in $Quality.DOWNLOADED) and $sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS
<a class="epRetry" id="#echo $epStr#" name="#echo $epStr#" href="retryEpisode?show=$show.indexerid&amp;season=$epResult['season']&amp;episode=$epResult['episode']"><img src="$sbRoot/images/search16.png" height="16" alt="retry" title="Retry download" /></a>
<a class="epSearch" id="#echo $epStr#" name="#echo $epStr#" href="searchEpisode?show=$show.indexerid&amp;season=$epResult['season']&amp;episode=$epResult['episode']"><img src="$sbRoot/images/search16.png" width="16" height="16" alt="search" title="Manual search" /></a>
#end if
#end if
#if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES and $show.subtitles and len(set(str($epResult['subtitles']).split(',')).intersection(set($subtitles.wantedLanguages()))) < len($subtitles.wantedLanguages()) and $epResult['location']
<a class="epSubtitlesSearch" href="searchEpisodeSubtitles?show=$show.indexerid&amp;season=$epResult['season']&amp;episode=$epResult['episode']"><img src="$sbRoot/images/closed_captioning.png" height="16" alt="search subtitles" title="Search subtitles" /></a>
#end if
2014-09-30 22:20:37 +00:00
#end for
#end if
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
mode: 'lines',
truncate: 10,
showText: '<span class="pull-right moreless"><i class="sgicon-arrowdown" style="margin-right:2px"></i>more</span>',
hideText: '<span class="pull-right moreless"><i class="sgicon-arrowup" style="margin-right:2px"></i>less</span>',
showClass: 'show-class'
var tbl = $($(this).attr('data-target')),
btn = $('#' + $(this).attr('id'));
tbl.on('', function () { btn.html('Show episodes<span class="sgicon-arrowdown" style="margin-left:4px"></span>'); })
tbl.on('', function () { btn.html('Hide episodes<span class="sgicon-arrowup" style="margin-left:4px"></span>'); })
#end raw
Add smart logic to reduce api hits to newznab server types and improve how nzbs are downloaded. Add newznab smart logic to avoid missing releases when there are a great many recent releases. Change improve performance by using newznab server advertised capabilities. Change config/providers newznab to display only non-default categories. Change use scene season for wanted segment in backlog if show is scene numbering. Change combine Manage Searches / Backlog Search / Limited and Full to Force. Change consolidate limited and full backlog. Change config / Search / Backlog search frequency to instead spread backlog searches over a number of days. Change migrate minimum used value for search frequency into new minimum 7 for search spread. Change restrict nzb providers to 1 backlog batch run per day. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Allow episodes that are released early. Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Use specific api requests to search for early episode releases. Add use related ids for newznab searches to increase search efficiency. Add periodic update of related show ids. Change terminology Edit Show/"Post processing" tab name to "Other". Add advanced feature "Related show IDs" to Edit Show/Other used for finding episodes and TV info. Add search info source image links to those that have zero id under Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs". Add "set master" button to Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs" for info source that can be changed. Change terminology displayShow "Indexers" to "Links" to cover internal and web links. Change add related show info sources on displayShow page. Change don't display "temporarily" defunct TVRage image link on displayShow pages unless it is master info source. Change if a defunct info source is the master of a show then present a link on displayShow to edit related show IDs. Change simplify the next backlog search run time display in the page footer. Change try ssl when fetching data thetvdb, imdb, trakt, scene exception. Change improve reliability to Trakt notifier by using show related id support. Change improve config/providers newznab categories layout. Change show loaded log message at start up and include info source. Change if episode has no airdate then set status to unaired (was skipped). Technical Change move scene_exceptions table from cache.db to sickbeard.db. Add related ids to show obj. Add use of mapped indexer ids for newznab. Add indexer to sql in wanted_eps. Add aired in (scene) season for wanted episodes. Add need_anime, need_sports, need_sd, need_hd, need_uhd to wanted episodes and added as parameter to update_providers. Add fix for lib lockfile/mkdirlockfile. Add set master TV info source logic. Change harden ui input validation. Add per action dialog confirmation. Change to reload page under more events. Change implement "Mark all added episodes Wanted to search for releases" when setting new info source.
2016-09-04 20:00:44 +00:00
#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')