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# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import re
import sickgear
from . import logger
from .classes import NZBDataSearchResult, NZBSearchResult
from .common import Quality
from .helpers import try_int
from .providers.generic import GenericProvider
from lib.xmlrpclib_to import ServerProxy
from _23 import b64encodestring
from six import moves
def test_nzbget(host, use_https, username, password, timeout=300):
result = False
if not host:
msg = 'No NZBGet host found. Please configure it'
logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
return result, msg, None
url = 'http%(scheme)s://%(username)s:%(password)s@%(host)s/xmlrpc' % {
'scheme': ('', 's')[use_https], 'host': re.sub('(?:https?://)?(.*?)/?$', r'\1', host),
'username': username, 'password': password}
rpc_client = ServerProxy(url, timeout=timeout)
msg = 'Success. Connected'
if rpc_client.writelog('INFO', 'SickGear connected as a test'):
logger.log(msg, logger.DEBUG)
msg += ', but unable to send a message'
logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
result = True
logger.log(u'NZBGet URL: %s' % url, logger.DEBUG)
except moves.http_client.socket.error:
msg = 'Please check NZBGet host and port (if it is running). NZBGet is not responding to these values'
logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
except moves.xmlrpc_client.ProtocolError as e:
if 'Unauthorized' == e.errmsg:
msg = 'NZBGet username or password is incorrect'
logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
msg = 'Protocol Error: %s' % e.errmsg
logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
return result, msg, rpc_client
def send_nzb(search_result):
:param search_result: search result
:type search_result: NZBSearchResult or NZBDataSearchResult
result = False
add_to_top = False
nzbget_prio = 0
authed, auth_msg, rpc_client = test_nzbget(
if not authed:
return authed
dupekey = ''
dupescore = 0
# if it aired recently make it high priority and generate DupeKey/Score
for cur_ep_obj in search_result.ep_obj_list:
if '' == dupekey:
dupekey = 'SickGear-%s%s' % (
sickgear.TVInfoAPI(cur_ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).config.get('dupekey', ''), cur_ep_obj.show_obj.prodid)
dupekey += '-%s.%s' % (cur_ep_obj.season, cur_ep_obj.episode)
if 1 == search_result.priority:
add_to_top = True
nzbget_prio = sickgear.NZBGET_PRIORITY
if Quality.UNKNOWN != search_result.quality:
dupescore = search_result.quality * 100
dupescore += (0, 9 + search_result.properlevel)[0 < search_result.properlevel]
nzbcontent64 = None
if 'nzbdata' == search_result.resultType:
data = search_result.get_data()
if not data:
return False
nzbcontent64 = b64encodestring(data, keep_eol=True)
elif 'Anizb' == search_result.provider.name and 'nzb' == search_result.resultType:
gen_provider = GenericProvider('')
data = gen_provider.get_url(search_result.url)
if None is data:
return result
nzbcontent64 = b64encodestring(data, keep_eol=True)
logger.log(u'Sending NZB to NZBGet: %s' % search_result.name)
# Find out if nzbget supports priority (Version 9.0+), old versions beginning with a 0.x will use the old cmd
nzbget_version_str = rpc_client.version()
nzbget_version = try_int(nzbget_version_str[:nzbget_version_str.find('.')])
# v13+ has a combined append method that accepts both (url and content)
# also the return value has changed from boolean to integer
# (Positive number representing NZBID of the queue item. 0 and negative numbers represent error codes.)
if 13 <= nzbget_version:
nzbget_result = 0 < rpc_client.append(
'%s.nzb' % search_result.name, (nzbcontent64, search_result.url)[None is nzbcontent64],
sickgear.NZBGET_CATEGORY, nzbget_prio, False, False, dupekey, dupescore, 'score')
elif 12 == nzbget_version:
if None is not nzbcontent64:
nzbget_result = rpc_client.append(
'%s.nzb' % search_result.name, sickgear.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
nzbget_prio, False, nzbcontent64, False, dupekey, dupescore, 'score')
nzbget_result = rpc_client.appendurl(
'%s.nzb' % search_result.name, sickgear.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
nzbget_prio, False, search_result.url, False, dupekey, dupescore, 'score')
elif 0 == nzbget_version:
if None is not nzbcontent64:
nzbget_result = rpc_client.append('%s.nzb' % search_result.name, sickgear.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
add_to_top, nzbcontent64)
if 'nzb' == search_result.resultType:
gen_provider = GenericProvider('')
data = gen_provider.get_url(search_result.url)
if None is data:
return result
nzbcontent64 = b64encodestring(data, keep_eol=True)
nzbget_result = rpc_client.append('%s.nzb' % search_result.name, sickgear.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
add_to_top, nzbcontent64)
if None is not nzbcontent64:
nzbget_result = rpc_client.append('%s.nzb' % search_result.name, sickgear.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
nzbget_prio, False, nzbcontent64)
nzbget_result = rpc_client.appendurl('%s.nzb' % search_result.name, sickgear.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
nzbget_prio, False, search_result.url)
if nzbget_result:
logger.log(u'NZB sent to NZBGet successfully', logger.DEBUG)
result = True
logger.log(u'NZBGet could not add %s.nzb to the queue' % search_result.name, logger.ERROR)
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Connect Error to NZBGet: could not add %s.nzb to the queue' % search_result.name, logger.ERROR)
return result