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company module (imdb package).
This module provides the company class, used to store information about
a given company.
Copyright 2008-2009 Davide Alberani <da@erlug.linux.it>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
from copy import deepcopy
from imdb.utils import analyze_company_name, build_company_name, \
flatten, _Container, cmpCompanies
class Company(_Container):
"""A company.
Every information about a company can be accessed as:
to get a list of the kind of information stored in a
company object, use the keys() method; some useful aliases
are defined (as "also known as" for the "akas" key);
see the keys_alias dictionary.
# The default sets of information retrieved.
default_info = ('main',)
# Aliases for some not-so-intuitive keys.
keys_alias = {
'distributor': 'distributors',
'special effects company': 'special effects companies',
'other company': 'miscellaneous companies',
'miscellaneous company': 'miscellaneous companies',
'other companies': 'miscellaneous companies',
'misc companies': 'miscellaneous companies',
'misc company': 'miscellaneous companies',
'production company': 'production companies'}
keys_tomodify_list = ()
cmpFunct = cmpCompanies
def _init(self, **kwds):
"""Initialize a company object.
*companyID* -- the unique identifier for the company.
*name* -- the name of the company, if not in the data dictionary.
*myName* -- the nickname you use for this company.
*myID* -- your personal id for this company.
*data* -- a dictionary used to initialize the object.
*notes* -- notes about the given company.
*accessSystem* -- a string representing the data access system used.
*titlesRefs* -- a dictionary with references to movies.
*namesRefs* -- a dictionary with references to persons.
*charactersRefs* -- a dictionary with references to companies.
*modFunct* -- function called returning text fields.
name = kwds.get('name')
if name and not self.data.has_key('name'):
self.companyID = kwds.get('companyID', None)
self.myName = kwds.get('myName', u'')
def _reset(self):
"""Reset the company object."""
self.companyID = None
self.myName = u''
def set_name(self, name):
"""Set the name of the company."""
# XXX: convert name to unicode, if it's a plain string?
# Company diverges a bit from other classes, being able
# to directly handle its "notes". AND THAT'S PROBABLY A BAD IDEA!
oname = name = name.strip()
notes = u''
if name.endswith(')'):
fparidx = name.find('(')
if fparidx != -1:
notes = name[fparidx:]
name = name[:fparidx].rstrip()
if self.notes:
name = oname
d = analyze_company_name(name)
if notes and not self.notes:
self.notes = notes
def _additional_keys(self):
"""Valid keys to append to the data.keys() list."""
if self.data.has_key('name'):
return ['long imdb name']
return []
def _getitem(self, key):
"""Handle special keys."""
## XXX: can a company have an imdbIndex?
if self.data.has_key('name'):
if key == 'long imdb name':
return build_company_name(self.data)
return None
def getID(self):
"""Return the companyID."""
return self.companyID
def __nonzero__(self):
"""The company is "false" if the self.data does not contain a name."""
# XXX: check the name and the companyID?
if self.data.get('name'): return 1
return 0
def __contains__(self, item):
"""Return true if this company and the given Movie are related."""
from Movie import Movie
if isinstance(item, Movie):
for m in flatten(self.data, yieldDictKeys=1, scalar=Movie):
if item.isSame(m):
return 1
return 0
def isSameName(self, other):
"""Return true if two company have the same name
and/or companyID."""
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return 0
if self.data.has_key('name') and \
other.data.has_key('name') and \
build_company_name(self.data) == \
return 1
if self.accessSystem == other.accessSystem and \
self.companyID is not None and \
self.companyID == other.companyID:
return 1
return 0
isSameCompany = isSameName
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
"""Return a deep copy of a company instance."""
c = Company(name=u'', companyID=self.companyID,
myName=self.myName, myID=self.myID,
data=deepcopy(self.data, memo),
notes=self.notes, accessSystem=self.accessSystem,
titlesRefs=deepcopy(self.titlesRefs, memo),
namesRefs=deepcopy(self.namesRefs, memo),
charactersRefs=deepcopy(self.charactersRefs, memo))
c.current_info = list(self.current_info)
return c
def __repr__(self):
"""String representation of a Company object."""
r = '<Company id:%s[%s] name:_%s_>' % (self.companyID,
self.get('long imdb name'))
if isinstance(r, unicode): r = r.encode('utf_8', 'replace')
return r
def __str__(self):
"""Simply print the short name."""
return self.get('name', u'').encode('utf_8', 'replace')
def __unicode__(self):
"""Simply print the short title."""
return self.get('name', u'')
def summary(self):
"""Return a string with a pretty-printed summary for the company."""
if not self: return u''
s = u'Company\n=======\nName: %s\n' % \
self.get('name', u'')
for k in ('distributor', 'production company', 'miscellaneous company',
'special effects company'):
d = self.get(k, [])[:5]
if not d: continue
s += u'Last movies from this company (%s): %s.\n' % \
(k, u'; '.join([x.get('long imdb title', u'') for x in d]))
return s