
285 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# Author: Nic Wolfe <>
# URL:
# This file is part of Sick Beard.
# Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sick Beard. If not, see <>.
import os.path
import sickbeard
from sickbeard import helpers, logger, exceptions
from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek
from sickbeard.metadata.generic import GenericMetadata
from lib.hachoir_parser import createParser
from lib.hachoir_metadata import extractMetadata
class ImageCache:
def __init__(self):
def _cache_dir(self):
Builds up the full path to the image cache directory
return ek.ek(os.path.abspath, ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CACHE_DIR, 'images'))
def _thumbnails_dir(self):
Builds up the full path to the thumbnails image cache directory
return ek.ek(os.path.abspath, ek.ek(os.path.join, self._cache_dir(), 'thumbnails'))
def poster_path(self, indexer_id):
Builds up the path to a poster cache for a given indexer id
returns: a full path to the cached poster file for the given indexer id
indexer_id: ID of the show to use in the file name
poster_file_name = str(indexer_id) + '.poster.jpg'
return ek.ek(os.path.join, self._cache_dir(), poster_file_name)
def banner_path(self, indexer_id):
Builds up the path to a banner cache for a given indexer id
returns: a full path to the cached banner file for the given indexer id
indexer_id: ID of the show to use in the file name
banner_file_name = str(indexer_id) + '.banner.jpg'
return ek.ek(os.path.join, self._cache_dir(), banner_file_name)
def poster_thumb_path(self, indexer_id):
Builds up the path to a poster cache for a given indexer id
returns: a full path to the cached poster file for the given indexer id
indexer_id: ID of the show to use in the file name
posterthumb_file_name = str(indexer_id) + '.poster.jpg'
return ek.ek(os.path.join, self._thumbnails_dir(), posterthumb_file_name)
def banner_thumb_path(self, indexer_id):
Builds up the path to a poster cache for a given indexer id
returns: a full path to the cached poster file for the given indexer id
indexer_id: ID of the show to use in the file name
bannerthumb_file_name = str(indexer_id) + '.banner.jpg'
return ek.ek(os.path.join, self._thumbnails_dir(), bannerthumb_file_name)
def has_poster(self, indexer_id):
Returns true if a cached poster exists for the given indexer id
poster_path = self.poster_path(indexer_id)
logger.log(u"Checking if file "+str(poster_path)+" exists", logger.DEBUG)
return ek.ek(os.path.isfile, poster_path)
def has_banner(self, indexer_id):
Returns true if a cached banner exists for the given indexer id
banner_path = self.banner_path(indexer_id)
logger.log(u"Checking if file "+str(banner_path)+" exists", logger.DEBUG)
return ek.ek(os.path.isfile, banner_path)
def has_poster_thumbnail(self, indexer_id):
Returns true if a cached poster thumbnail exists for the given indexer id
poster_thumb_path = self.poster_thumb_path(indexer_id)
logger.log(u"Checking if file "+str(poster_thumb_path)+" exists", logger.DEBUG)
return ek.ek(os.path.isfile, poster_thumb_path)
def has_banner_thumbnail(self, indexer_id):
Returns true if a cached banner exists for the given indexer id
banner_thumb_path = self.banner_thumb_path(indexer_id)
logger.log(u"Checking if file "+str(banner_thumb_path)+" exists", logger.DEBUG)
return ek.ek(os.path.isfile, banner_thumb_path)
def which_type(self, path):
Analyzes the image provided and attempts to determine whether it is a poster or banner.
returns: BANNER, POSTER if it concluded one or the other, or None if the image was neither (or didn't exist)
path: full path to the image
if not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, path):
logger.log(u"Couldn't check the type of "+str(path)+" cause it doesn't exist", logger.WARNING)
return None
# use hachoir to parse the image for us
img_parser = createParser(path)
img_metadata = extractMetadata(img_parser)
if not img_metadata:
logger.log(u"Unable to get metadata from "+str(path)+", not using your existing image", logger.DEBUG)
return None
img_ratio = float(img_metadata.get('width'))/float(img_metadata.get('height'))
# most posters are around 0.68 width/height ratio (eg. 680/1000)
if 0.55 < img_ratio < 0.8:
return self.POSTER
# most banners are around 5.4 width/height ratio (eg. 758/140)
elif 5 < img_ratio < 6:
return self.BANNER
logger.log(u"Image has size ratio of "+str(img_ratio)+", unknown type", logger.WARNING)
return None
def _cache_image_from_file(self, image_path, img_type, indexer_id):
Takes the image provided and copies it to the cache folder
returns: bool representing success
image_path: path to the image we're caching
img_type: BANNER or POSTER
indexer_id: id of the show this image belongs to
# generate the path based on the type & indexer_id
if img_type == self.POSTER:
dest_path = self.poster_path(indexer_id)
elif img_type == self.BANNER:
dest_path = self.banner_path(indexer_id)
logger.log(u"Invalid cache image type: "+str(img_type), logger.ERROR)
return False
# make sure the cache folder exists before we try copying to it
if not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, self._cache_dir()):
logger.log(u"Image cache dir didn't exist, creating it at "+str(self._cache_dir()))
ek.ek(os.makedirs, self._cache_dir())
if not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, self._thumbnails_dir()):
logger.log(u"Thumbnails cache dir didn't exist, creating it at "+str(self._thumbnails_dir()))
ek.ek(os.makedirs, self._thumbnails_dir())
logger.log(u"Copying from "+image_path+" to "+dest_path)
helpers.copyFile(image_path, dest_path)
return True
def _cache_image_from_tvdb(self, show_obj, img_type):
Retrieves an image of the type specified from TVDB and saves it to the cache folder
returns: bool representing success
show_obj: TVShow object that we want to cache an image for
img_type: BANNER or POSTER
# generate the path based on the type & indexer_id
if img_type == self.POSTER:
img_type_name = 'poster'
dest_path = self.poster_path(show_obj.indexerid)
elif img_type == self.BANNER:
img_type_name = 'banner'
dest_path = self.banner_path(show_obj.indexerid)
elif img_type == self.POSTER_THUMB:
img_type_name = 'poster_thumb'
dest_path = self.poster_thumb_path(show_obj.indexerid)
elif img_type == self.BANNER_THUMB:
img_type_name = 'banner_thumb'
dest_path = self.banner_thumb_path(show_obj.indexerid)
logger.log(u"Invalid cache image type: "+str(img_type), logger.ERROR)
return False
# retrieve the image from TVDB using the generic metadata class
#TODO: refactor
metadata_generator = GenericMetadata()
img_data = metadata_generator._retrieve_show_image(img_type_name, show_obj)
result = metadata_generator._write_image(img_data, dest_path)
return result
def fill_cache(self, show_obj):
Caches all images for the given show. Copies them from the show dir if possible, or
downloads them from TVDB if they aren't in the show dir.
show_obj: TVShow object to cache images for
logger.log(u"Checking if we need any cache images for show "+str(show_obj.indexerid), logger.DEBUG)
# check if the images are already cached or not
need_images = {self.POSTER: not self.has_poster(show_obj.indexerid),
self.BANNER: not self.has_banner(show_obj.indexerid),
self.POSTER_THUMB: not self.has_poster_thumbnail(show_obj.indexerid),
self.BANNER_THUMB: not self.has_banner_thumbnail(show_obj.indexerid)}
if not need_images[self.POSTER] and not need_images[self.BANNER] and not need_images[self.POSTER_THUMB] and not need_images[self.BANNER_THUMB]:
logger.log(u"No new cache images needed, not retrieving new ones")
# check the show dir for poster or banner images and use them
if need_images[self.POSTER] or need_images[self.BANNER]:
for cur_provider in sickbeard.metadata_provider_dict.values():
logger.log(u"Checking if we can use the show image from the "" metadata", logger.DEBUG)
if ek.ek(os.path.isfile, cur_provider.get_poster_path(show_obj)):
cur_file_name = os.path.abspath(cur_provider.get_poster_path(show_obj))
cur_file_type = self.which_type(cur_file_name)
if cur_file_type == None:
logger.log(u"Unable to retrieve image type, not using the image from "+str(cur_file_name), logger.WARNING)
logger.log(u"Checking if image "+cur_file_name+" (type "+str(cur_file_type)+" needs metadata: "+str(need_images[cur_file_type]), logger.DEBUG)
if cur_file_type in need_images and need_images[cur_file_type]:
logger.log(u"Found an image in the show dir that doesn't exist in the cache, caching it: "+cur_file_name+", type "+str(cur_file_type), logger.DEBUG)
self._cache_image_from_file(cur_file_name, cur_file_type, show_obj.indexerid)
need_images[cur_file_type] = False
except exceptions.ShowDirNotFoundException:
logger.log(u"Unable to search for images in show dir because it doesn't exist", logger.WARNING)
# download from TVDB for missing ones
for cur_image_type in [self.POSTER, self.BANNER, self.POSTER_THUMB, self.BANNER_THUMB]:
logger.log(u"Seeing if we still need an image of type "+str(cur_image_type)+": "+str(need_images[cur_image_type]), logger.DEBUG)
if cur_image_type in need_images and need_images[cur_image_type]:
self._cache_image_from_tvdb(show_obj, cur_image_type)
logger.log(u"Done cache check")