2014-12-16 14:14:54 +00:00
#import sickbeard
#import datetime
#from sickbeard . common import *
#from sickbeard import sbdatetime
#from sickbeard . helpers import anon_url
#set global $ title = ' Episode View '
#set global $ header = ' Episode View '
#set global $ sbPath = ' .. '
#set global $ topmenu = ' episodeView '
#import os . path
#include $ os . path . join ( $ sickbeard . PROG_DIR , ' gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl ' )
#set $ sort = $ sickbeard . EPISODE_VIEW_SORT
#set $ table_sort_header_codes = { ' time ' : 0 , ' show ' : 1 , ' network ' : 4 }
#if $ sort not in $ table_sort_header_codes :
#set $ sort = ' time '
#end if
#if ' daybyday ' != $ layout :
<script type="text/javascript" src=" $ sbRoot /js/ajaxEpSearch.js? $ sbPID "></script>
#end if
#if $ varExists ( ' header ' )
<h1 class="header"> $ header </h1>
<h1 class="title"> $ title </h1>
#end if
#if ' daybyday ' == $ layout :
<script type="text/javascript" src=" $ sbRoot /js/plotTooltip.js? $ sbPID "></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var \ $ container = [];
\$.each(\$('[id^=day]'), function(){\ $ container . push (\$(' #' + \$(this).attr('id')))});
jQuery.each(\ $ container , function(j) {
itemSelector: '.daybyday-show',
sortBy : ' $ sort ',
layoutMode: 'vertical',
transitionDuration: 0,
getSortData: {
network: function(itemElem) {
return \$(itemElem).attr('data-network') || '';
showname: function(itemElem) {
return \$(itemElem).attr('data-name') || '';
season: function(itemElem) {
var season = \$(itemElem).attr('data-season') || '0';
return season.length && parseInt(season, 10);
episode: function(itemElem) {
var episode = \$(itemElem).attr('data-episode') || '0';
return episode.length && parseInt(episode, 10);
time: function(itemElem) {
var time = \$(itemElem).attr('data-time') || '0';
return time.length && parseInt(time, 10);
imagesLoaded('.daybyday-show', function() {
jQuery.each(\ $ container , function(j) {
var uiSortBy = (function(sortBy) {
var sortCriteria;
switch (sortBy) {
case 'network':
sortCriteria = ['network', 'time', 'showname', 'season', 'episode'];
case 'show':
sortCriteria = ['showname', 'time', 'season', 'episode'];
case 'time':
sortCriteria = ['time', 'showname', 'season', 'episode'];
jQuery.each(\ $ container , function(j) {
sortBy: sortCriteria,
sortAscending: 'asc' == \$(' #sort - dir ' ).attr( ' data - sort - dir ' )
\$(' #sort ' ).on( ' change ' , function() {
\$(' #sort - dir ' ).on( ' click ' , function() {
var sortdir = \$(this).attr('data-sort-dir'),
newdir = ('asc' == sortdir ? 'desc' : 'asc');
\$(this).attr('data-sort-dir', newdir);
\$(this).attr('title', 'Click to sort ' + sortdir + 'ending');
uiSortBy(\$(' #sort ' ).val());
#end if
<style type="text/css">
#SubMenu { display : none }
#if ' daybyday ' == $ layout :
2015-01-20 09:48:04 +00:00
.ep-caret {
2014-12-16 14:14:54 +00:00
cursor: pointer;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: 2px;
.asc {
border-top: 0;
border-bottom: 8px solid;
.desc {
border-top: 8px solid;
border-bottom: 0;
#end if
<div class="h2footer pull-right">
<select name="layout" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" onchange="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value=" $ sbRoot /setEpisodeViewLayout/?layout=banner" #if ' banner ' == $ sickbeard . EPISODE_VIEW_LAYOUT then ' selected= " selected " ' else ' ' # >Banner</option>
<option value=" $ sbRoot /setEpisodeViewLayout/?layout=daybyday" #if ' daybyday ' == $ sickbeard . EPISODE_VIEW_LAYOUT then ' selected= " selected " ' else ' ' # >Day by Day</option>
<option value=" $ sbRoot /setEpisodeViewLayout/?layout=list" #if ' list ' == $ sickbeard . EPISODE_VIEW_LAYOUT then ' selected= " selected " ' else ' ' # >List</option>
<option value=" $ sbRoot /setEpisodeViewLayout/?layout=poster" #if ' poster ' == $ sickbeard . EPISODE_VIEW_LAYOUT then ' selected= " selected " ' else ' ' # >Poster</option>
#if ' daybyday ' == $ layout :
2015-01-20 09:48:04 +00:00
<span id="sort-dir" data-sort-dir="asc" class="caret ep-caret asc" title="Click to sort descending"> </span>
2014-12-16 14:14:54 +00:00
#end if
#if ' daybyday ' == $ layout :
<select name="sort" id="sort" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
<option value="network" data-sort=" $ sbRoot /setEpisodeViewSort/?sort=network&redir=0" #if ' network ' == $ sort then ' selected= " selected " ' else ' ' # >Network</option>
<option value="show" data-sort=" $ sbRoot /setEpisodeViewSort/?sort=show&redir=0" #if ' show ' == $ sort then ' selected= " selected " ' else ' ' # >Show</option>
<option value="time" data-sort=" $ sbRoot /setEpisodeViewSort/?sort=time&redir=0" #if ' time ' == $ sort then ' selected= " selected " ' else ' ' # >Time</option>
<select name="sort" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" onchange="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value=" $ sbRoot /setEpisodeViewSort/?sort=time" #if ' time ' == $ sort then ' selected= " selected " ' else ' ' # >Date/Time</option>
<option value=" $ sbRoot /setEpisodeViewSort/?sort=network" #if ' network ' == $ sort then ' selected= " selected " ' else ' ' # >Network</option>
<option value=" $ sbRoot /setEpisodeViewSort/?sort=show" #if ' show ' == $ sort then ' selected= " selected " ' else ' ' # >Show</option>
#end if
<span>View Paused:
<select name="viewpaused" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" onchange="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value=" $ sbRoot /toggleEpisodeViewDisplayPaused"<%= (' selected="selected"', '')[True == sickbeard.EPISODE_VIEW_DISPLAY_PAUSED] %>>Hidden</option>
<option value=" $ sbRoot /toggleEpisodeViewDisplayPaused"<%= ('', ' selected="selected"')[True == sickbeard.EPISODE_VIEW_DISPLAY_PAUSED] %>>Shown</option>
<div class="key pull-right">
#if ' daybyday ' != $ layout :
<span class="listing-key listing-overdue">Missed</span>
<span class="listing-key listing-current">Current</span>
<span class="listing-key listing-default">Future</span>
<span class="listing-key listing-toofar">Distant</span>
#end if
<a class="btn btn-inline forceBacklog" href="webcal:// $ sbHost : $ sbHttpPort /calendar">
<i class="icon-calendar icon-white"></i>Subscribe</a>
#if ' list ' == $ layout :
<!-- start list view //-->
<script type="text/javascript" src=" $ sbRoot /js/plotTooltip.js? $ sbPID "></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
id: 'loadingNames',
is: function(s) {
return false
format: function(s) {
if(0 == s.indexOf('Loading...'))
return s.replace('Loading...', '000')
return (s || '')
type: 'text'
id: 'quality',
is: function(s) {
return false
format: function(s) {
return s.replace('hd1080p', 5).replace('hd720p', 4).replace('hd', 3).replace('sd', 2).replace('any', 1).replace('best', 0).replace('custom', 7)
type: 'numeric'
id: 'cDate',
is: function(s) {
return false
format: function(s) {
return s
type: 'numeric'
sortList = [[ $ table_sort_header_codes [ $ sort ], 0]];
\$(' #showListTable : has ( tbody tr ) ' ).tablesorter( {
widgets: ['stickyHeaders'],
sortList: sortList,
textExtraction: {
0: function(node) {return \$(node).find('span').text().toLowerCase() || ''},
1: function(node) {return \$(node).find('a').attr('data-name') || ''},
4: function(node) {return \$(node).find('span').attr('data-network') || ''},
5: function(node) {return \$(node).find('span').text().toLowerCase() || ''}
headers: {
0: {sorter: 'cDate'},
1: {sorter: 'loadingNames'},
2: {sorter: false},
3: {sorter: false},
4: {sorter: 'loadingNames'},
5: {sorter: 'quality'},
6: {sorter: false},
7: {sorter: false},
8: {sorter: false}
\$(' #sbRoot ' ).ajaxEpSearch();
#set $ fuzzydate = ' airdate '
#if $ sickbeard . FUZZY_DATING :
containerClass : '. ${ fuzzydate } ',
dateHasTime : true,
dateFormat : ' ${ sickbeard . DATE_PRESET } ',
timeFormat : ' ${ sickbeard . TIME_PRESET } ',
trimZero : #if $ sickbeard . TRIM_ZERO then ' true ' else ' false ' #
#end if
#set $ show_div = ' listing-default '
<input type="hidden" id="sbRoot" value=" $ sbRoot " />
<table id="showListTable" class="sickbeardTable tablesorter seasonstyle" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0">
<th class="nowrap">Next Ep</th>
<th>Next Ep Name</th>
<tbody style="text-shadow:none;">
#for $ cur_result in $ sql_results :
#set $ cur_indexer = int ( $ cur_result [ ' indexer ' ] )
#set $ runtime = $ cur_result [ ' runtime ' ]
#if int ( $ cur_result [ ' paused ' ] ) and not $ sickbeard . EPISODE_VIEW_DISPLAY_PAUSED :
#end if
#set $ cur_ep_airdate = $ cur_result [ ' localtime ' ] . date ( )
#if $ runtime :
#set $ cur_ep_enddate = $ cur_result [ ' localtime ' ] + datetime . timedelta ( minutes = $ runtime )
#if $ cur_ep_enddate < $ today :
#set $ show_div = ' listing-overdue '
#elif $ cur_ep_airdate > = $ next_week . date ( ) :
#set $ show_div = ' listing-toofar '
#elif $ cur_ep_airdate > = $ today . date ( ) and $ cur_ep_airdate < $ next_week . date ( ) :
#if $ cur_ep_airdate == $ today . date ( ) :
#set $ show_div = ' listing-current '
#else :
#set $ show_div = ' listing-default '
#end if
#end if
#end if
<!-- start $ cur_result ['show_name'] //-->
<tr class=" $ show_div ">
## forced to use a div to wrap airdate, the column sort went crazy with a span
<td align="center" class="nowrap">
<div class=" ${ fuzzydate } "> $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbfdatetime ( $ cur_result ['localtime']).decode( $ sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING )</div><span class="sort_data"> $ time . mktime ( $ cur_result ['localtime'].timetuple())</span>
<td class="tvShow"><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/displayShow?show= ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } " data-name=" $ cur_result ['data_show_name']"> $ cur_result ['show_name']</a>
#if int ( $ cur_result [ ' paused ' ] ) :
<span class="pause">[paused]</span>
#end if
<td class="nowrap" align="center">
<%= 'S%02iE%02i' % (int(cur_result['season']), int(cur_result['episode'])) %>
#if $ cur_result [ ' description ' ] :
<img alt="" src=" $ sbRoot /images/info32.png" height="16" width="16" class="plotInfo" id="plot_info_<%= '%s_%s_%s' % (str(cur_result['showid']), str(cur_result['season']), str(cur_result['episode'])) %>" />
#else :
<img alt="" src=" $ sbRoot /images/info32.png" width="16" height="16" class="plotInfoNone" />
#end if
$ cur_result ['name']
<td align="center">
<span data-network=" $ cur_result ['data_network']"> $ cur_result ['network']</span>
<td align="center">
#if int ( $ cur_result [ ' quality ' ] ) in $ qualityPresets :
<span class="quality $ qualityPresetStrings [int( $ cur_result ['quality'])]"> $ qualityPresetStrings [int( $ cur_result ['quality'])]</span>
#else :
<span class="quality Custom">Custom</span>
#end if
<td align="center" style="vertical-align: middle;">
#if $ cur_result [ ' imdb_id ' ] :
<a href="<%= anon_url('http://www.imdb.com/title/', cur_result['imdb_id']) %>" rel="noreferrer" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank'); return false" title="http://www.imdb.com/title/ ${ cur_result [ ' imdb_id ' ] } "><img alt="[imdb]" height="16" width="16" src=" $ sbRoot /images/imdb.png" />
#end if
<a href="<%= anon_url(sickbeard.indexerApi(cur_indexer).config['show_url'], cur_result['showid']) %>" rel="noreferrer" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank'); return false" title=" $ sickbeard . indexerApi ( $ cur_indexer ).config['show_url'] ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } "><img alt=" $ sickbeard . indexerApi ( $ cur_indexer ).name" height="16" width="16" src=" $ sbRoot /images/ $ sickbeard . indexerApi ( $ cur_indexer ).config['icon']" /></a>
<td align="center">
<a href=" $ sbRoot /home/searchEpisode?show= ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } &season= $ cur_result ['season']&episode= $ cur_result ['episode']" title="Manual Search" id="forceUpdate- ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } " class="forceUpdate epSearch"><img alt="[search]" height="16" width="16" src=" $ sbRoot /images/search16.png" id="forceUpdateImage- ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } " /></a>
<!-- end $ cur_result ['show_name'] //-->
#end for
<th rowspan="1" colspan="10" align="center"> </th>
<!-- end list view //-->
#else if $ layout in [ ' banner ' , ' poster ' ] :
<!-- start non list view //-->
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
\$(' #sbRoot ' ).ajaxEpSearch( { ' size ' : 16, ' loadingImage ' : ' loading16 ' + themeSpinner + ' . gif ' });
\$('.ep_summaryTrigger').click(function() {
\$(this).next('.ep_summary').slideToggle('normal', function() {
\$(this).prev('.ep_summaryTrigger').attr('src', function(i, src) {
return \$(this).next('.ep_summary').is(':visible') ? src.replace('plus','minus') : src.replace('minus','plus')
#set $ fuzzydate = ' airdate '
#if $ sickbeard . FUZZY_DATING :
dtInline : true,
dtGlue : ' at ',
containerClass : '. ${ fuzzydate } ',
dateHasTime : true,
dateFormat : ' ${ sickbeard . DATE_PRESET } ',
timeFormat : ' ${ sickbeard . TIME_PRESET } ',
trimZero : #if $ sickbeard . TRIM_ZERO then ' true ' else ' false ' #
#end if
#set $ cur_segment = None
#set $ too_late_header = False
#set $ missed_header = False
#set $ today_header = False
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-default '
#if ' show ' == $ sort :
<br /><br />
#end if
#for $ cur_result in $ sql_results :
#set $ cur_indexer = int ( $ cur_result [ ' indexer ' ] )
#if int ( $ cur_result [ ' paused ' ] ) and not $ sickbeard . EPISODE_VIEW_DISPLAY_PAUSED :
#end if
#set $ runtime = $ cur_result [ ' runtime ' ]
#if ' network ' == $ sort :
#set $ show_network = $ cur_result [ ' network ' ] if $ cur_result [ ' network ' ] else ' no network '
#if $ cur_segment != $ show_network :
<div class="episode-view-header">
<br><h2 class="network"> $ show_network </h2>
#set $ cur_segment = $ cur_result [ ' network ' ]
#end if
#set $ cur_ep_airdate = $ cur_result [ ' localtime ' ] . date ( )
#if $ runtime :
#set $ cur_ep_enddate = $ cur_result [ ' localtime ' ] + datetime . timedelta ( minutes = $ runtime )
#if $ cur_ep_enddate < $ today :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-overdue '
#elif $ cur_ep_airdate > = $ next_week . date ( ) :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-toofar '
#elif $ cur_ep_enddate > = $ today and $ cur_ep_airdate < $ next_week . date ( ) :
#if $ cur_ep_airdate == $ today . date ( ) :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-current '
#else :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-default '
#end if
#end if
#end if
#elif ' time ' == $ sort :
#set $ cur_ep_airdate = $ cur_result [ ' localtime ' ] . date ( )
#if $ cur_segment != $ cur_ep_airdate :
#if $ runtime :
#set $ cur_ep_enddate = $ cur_result [ ' localtime ' ] + datetime . timedelta ( minutes = $ runtime )
#if $ cur_ep_enddate < $ today and $ cur_ep_airdate != $ today . date ( ) and not $ missed_header :
<br /><h2 class="day">Missed</h2>
#set $ missed_header = True
#elif $ cur_ep_airdate > = $ next_week . date ( ) and not $ too_late_header :
<br /><h2 class="day">Later</h2>
#set $ too_late_header = True
#elif $ cur_ep_enddate > = $ today and $ cur_ep_airdate < $ next_week . date ( ) :
#if $ cur_ep_airdate == $ today . date ( ) :
<br /><h2 class="day"> $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbfdate ( $ cur_ep_airdate , '%A').decode( $ sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING ).capitalize() <span style="font-size: 14px; vertical-align: top;">[Today]</span></h2>
#set $ today_header = True
#else :
<br /><h2 class="day"> $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbfdate ( $ cur_ep_airdate , '%A').decode( $ sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING ).capitalize()</h2>
#end if
#end if
#end if
#set $ cur_segment = $ cur_ep_airdate
#end if
#if $ cur_ep_airdate == $ today . date ( ) and not $ today_header :
<div class="episode-view-header">
<br /><h2 class="day"> $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbfdate ( $ cur_ep_airdate , '%A').decode( $ sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING ).capitalize() <span style="font-size: 14px; vertical-align: top;">[Today]</span></h2>
#set $ today_header = True
#end if
#if $ runtime :
#set $ cur_ep_enddate = $ cur_result [ ' localtime ' ] + datetime . timedelta ( minutes = $ runtime )
#if $ cur_ep_enddate < $ today :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-overdue '
#elif $ cur_ep_airdate > = $ next_week . date ( ) :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-toofar '
#elif $ cur_ep_enddate > = $ today and $ cur_ep_airdate < $ next_week . date ( ) :
#if $ cur_ep_airdate == $ today . date ( ) :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-current '
#else :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-default '
#end if
#end if
#end if
#elif ' show ' == $ sort :
#set $ cur_ep_airdate = $ cur_result [ ' localtime ' ] . date ( )
#if $ runtime :
#set $ cur_ep_enddate = $ cur_result [ ' localtime ' ] + datetime . timedelta ( minutes = $ runtime )
#if $ cur_ep_enddate < $ today :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-overdue listingradius '
#elif $ cur_ep_airdate > = $ next_week . date ( ) :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-toofar listingradius '
#elif $ cur_ep_enddate > = $ today and $ cur_ep_airdate < $ next_week . date ( ) :
#if $ cur_ep_airdate == $ today . date ( ) :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-current listingradius '
#else :
#set $ show_div = ' ep_listing listing-default listingradius '
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end if
<!-- start $ cur_result ['show_name'] //-->
<div class=" $ show_div " id="listing- ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } ">
<div class="tvshowDiv">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<th #if ' banner ' == $ layout then ' class= " nobg " ' else ' rowspan= " 2 " ' # valign="top">
<a href=" $ sbRoot /home/displayShow?show= ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } "><img alt="" class=" #if ' banner ' == $ layout then ' bannerThumb ' else ' posterThumb ' # " src=" $ sbRoot /showPoster/?show= ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } &which= #if ' poster ' == $ layout then ' poster_thumb ' else $ layout # " /></a>
#if ' banner ' == $ layout :
#end if
<td class="next_episode">
<div class="clearfix">
<span class="tvshowTitle">
<a href=" $ sbRoot /home/displayShow?show= ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } " data-name=" $ cur_result ['data_show_name']"> $ cur_result ['show_name']
#if int ( $ cur_result [ ' paused ' ] ) :
<span class="pause">[paused]</span>
#end if
<span class="tvshowTitleIcons">
#if $ cur_result [ ' imdb_id ' ] :
<a href="<%= anon_url('http://www.imdb.com/title/', cur_result['imdb_id']) %>" rel="noreferrer" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank'); return false" title="http://www.imdb.com/title/ ${ cur_result [ ' imdb_id ' ] } "><img alt="[imdb]" height="16" width="16" src=" $ sbRoot /images/imdb.png" />
#end if
<a href="<%= anon_url(sickbeard.indexerApi(cur_indexer).config['show_url'], cur_result['showid']) %>" rel="noreferrer" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank'); return false" title=" $ sickbeard . indexerApi ( $ cur_indexer ).config['show_url'] ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } "><img alt=" $ sickbeard . indexerApi ( $ cur_indexer ).name" height="16" width="16" src=" $ sbRoot /images/ $ sickbeard . indexerApi ( $ cur_indexer ).config['icon']" /></a>
<span><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/searchEpisode?show= ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } &season= $ cur_result ['season']&episode= $ cur_result ['episode']" title="Manual Search" id="forceUpdate- ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } " class="epSearch forceUpdate"><img alt="[search]" height="16" width="16" src=" $ sbRoot /images/search16.png" id="forceUpdateImage- ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } " /></a></span>
<span class="title">Next Episode:</span> <span><%= 'S%02iE%02i' % (int(cur_result['season']), int(cur_result['episode'])) %> - $ cur_result ['name']</span>
<div class="clearfix">
<span class="title">Airdate: </span><span class=" ${ fuzzydate } "> $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbfdatetime ( $ cur_result ['localtime']).decode( $ sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING )</span><%= ('', '<span> on %s</span>' % str(cur_result['network']))[None is not cur_result['network']] %>
<div class="clearfix">
<span class="title">Quality:</span>
#if int ( $ cur_result [ ' quality ' ] ) in $ qualityPresets :
<span class="quality $ qualityPresetStrings [int( $ cur_result ['quality'])]"> $ qualityPresetStrings [int( $ cur_result ['quality'])]</span>
#else :
<span class="quality Custom">Custom</span>
#end if
<td style="vertical-align: top;">
#if $ cur_result [ ' description ' ] :
<span class="title" style="vertical-align:middle;">Plot:</span>
<img class="ep_summaryTrigger" src=" $ sbRoot /images/plus.png" height="16" width="16" alt="" title="Toggle Summary" /><div class="ep_summary"> $ cur_result ['description']</div>
#else :
<span class="title ep_summaryTriggerNone" style="vertical-align:middle;">Plot:</span>
<img class="ep_summaryTriggerNone" src=" $ sbRoot /images/plus.png" height="16" width="16" alt="" />
#end if
<!-- end $ cur_result ['show_name'] //-->
#end for
<!-- end non list view //-->
#end if
#if ' daybyday ' == $ layout :
#set $ today = datetime . date . today ( )
#set $ dates = [ $ today + datetime . timedelta ( days = $ i ) for $ i in range ( 7 ) ]
#set $ tbl_day = 0
<input type="hidden" id="sbRoot" value=" $ sbRoot " />
2015-01-22 01:10:47 +00:00
<div class="daybydayCarouselContainer">
<div id="Carousel" class="carousel slide">
<div class="controlsBlock">
<a class="left carousel-control" href=" #Carousel " data-slide= " prev " ><i class= " glyphicon glyphicon - chevron - left " ></i></a>
<a class="right carousel-control" href=" #Carousel " data-slide= " next " ><i class= " glyphicon glyphicon - chevron - right " ></i></a>
<div class="carousel-indicators">
<li data-target=" #Carousel " data-slide-to= " 0 " class= " active " ></li>
<li data-target=" #Carousel " data-slide-to= " 1 " ></li>
<li data-target=" #Carousel " data-slide-to= " 2 " ></li>
<div class="carousel-inner">
<div class="item active"> <!-- page 1 -->
2014-12-16 14:14:54 +00:00
<div class="daybydayWrapper"> <!-- style="width:1600px" -->
#for $ day in $ dates
#set $ tbl_day + = 1
#set $ col_class = ' '
#if 1 == $ tbl_day
#set $ col_class = ' today '
#end if
#set $ col_class = ' %s %s ' % ( $ col_class , ( ' even ' , ' odd ' ) [ 1 == tbl_day % 2 ] )
<div class="day-of-week $ col_class ">
<div class="day-number">
<div class="number"> $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbfdate ( $ day , ' %d').decode( $ sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING ).replace(' 0', ' ')</div>
<div class="day">
<span class="visible-lg"> $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbfdate ( $ day , '%A').decode( $ sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING ).capitalize()</span>
<span class="hidden-lg"> $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbfdate ( $ day , '%a').decode( $ sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING ).capitalize()</span>
<div class="month">
<span class="visible-lg"> $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbfdate ( $ day , '%B').decode( $ sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING ).capitalize()</span>
<span class="hidden-lg"> $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbfdate ( $ day , '%b').decode( $ sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING ).capitalize()</span>
<div id=" $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbfdate ( $ day , 'day%w')">
#set $ day_has_show = False
#for $ cur_result in $ sql_results :
#if int ( $ cur_result [ ' paused ' ] ) and not $ sickbeard . EPISODE_VIEW_DISPLAY_PAUSED :
#end if
#set $ cur_indexer = int ( $ cur_result [ ' indexer ' ] )
#set $ runtime = $ cur_result [ ' runtime ' ]
#set $ airday = $ cur_result [ ' localtime ' ] . date ( )
#if $ airday == $ day :
#set $ day_has_show = True
#set $ airtime = $ sbdatetime . sbdatetime . sbftime ( $ cur_result [ ' localtime ' ] , markup = True ) . decode ( $ sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING )
#set $ img_tag = ' <img '
#set $ plot_class = ' class= " img-responsive '
#set $ title_text = ' '
#if $ cur_result [ ' description ' ] :
#set $ img_tag + = ' id= " plot_info_ %s _ %s _ %s " ' % ( str ( $ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] ) , str ( $ cur_result [ ' season ' ] ) , str ( $ cur_result [ ' episode ' ] ) )
#set $ plot_class + = ' plot-daybyday '
#set $ title_text = $ cur_result [ ' show_name ' ]
#end if
<div id="show- $ cur_result ['showid']" class="daybyday-show" data-name=" $ cur_result ['data_show_name']" data-season=" $ cur_result ['season']" data-episode=" $ cur_result ['episode']" data-network=" $ cur_result ['data_network']" data-time=" $ time . mktime ( $ cur_result ['localtime'].timetuple())">
<div class="poster">
<a title=" ${ title_text } " href=" $ sbRoot /home/displayShow?show= ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } ">
${ img_tag } ${ plot_class } " alt="" src=" $ sbRoot /showPoster/?show= ${ cur_result [ ' showid ' ] } &which=poster_thumb" /></a>
<div class="text">
<div class="airtime">
<span class="time"> ${ airtime } </span> <span class="network pull-right grey-text"> $ cur_result ['network']</span>
<div class="episode" title=" $ cur_result ['name']">
<span class="season"><%= '%i' % int(cur_result['season']) %></span>x<span class="number"><%= '%02i' % int(cur_result['episode']) %></span>
<span class="name"> $ cur_result ['name']</span>
#if int ( $ cur_result [ ' paused ' ] ) :
<span class="pause">[paused]</span>
#end if
</div><!-- end show- $ cur_result ['showid'] //-->
#end if
#end for
#if not $ day_has_show :
<div class="daybyday-show">
<span class="episode-blank">No shows for this day</span>
#end if
#end for
2015-01-22 01:10:47 +00:00
</div> <!-- end page 1 //-->
<div class="item">
Page 2
<div class="item">
Page 3
</div> <!-- end carouselinner //-->
</div> <!-- end Carousel //-->
</div> <!-- end daybydayCarouselContainer //-->
2014-12-16 14:14:54 +00:00
<!-- end calender view //-->
#end if
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
window.setInterval('location.reload(true)', 30*60000); // Refresh every xx minutes
2015-01-22 01:10:47 +00:00
\$(' #Carousel ' ).carousel( {
interval: 0
\$(document).bind('keyup', function(e) {
if(e.which == 39){
else if(e.which == 37){
2014-12-16 14:14:54 +00:00
#include $ os . path . join ( $ sickbeard . PROG_DIR , ' gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl ' )