mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 10:37:42 +00:00
1301 lines
23 KiB
1301 lines
23 KiB
# Gettext message file for imdbpy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: imdbpy\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-18 14:35+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-03 13:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Davide Alberani <da@erlug.linux.it>\n"
"Language-Team: Davide Alberani <da@erlug.linux.it>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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"Language-Name: Italian\n"
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"Domain: imdbpy\n"
# Default: Actor
msgid "actor"
msgstr "Attore"
# Default: Actress
msgid "actress"
msgstr "Attrice"
# Default: Adaption
msgid "adaption"
msgstr "Adattamento"
# Default: Additional information
msgid "additional-information"
msgstr "Ulteriori informazioni"
# Default: Admissions
msgid "admissions"
msgstr "Biglietti venduti"
# Default: Agent address
msgid "agent-address"
msgstr "Indirizzo dell'agente"
# Default: Airing
msgid "airing"
msgstr "In onda"
# Default: Akas
msgid "akas"
msgstr "Alias"
# Default: Akas from release info
msgid "akas-from-release-info"
msgstr "Alias dalle informazioni di rilascio"
# Default: All products
msgid "all-products"
msgstr "Tutti i prodotti"
# Default: Alternate language version of
msgid "alternate-language-version-of"
msgstr "Versione in altra lingua di"
# Default: Alternate versions
msgid "alternate-versions"
msgstr "Versioni alternative"
# Default: Amazon reviews
msgid "amazon-reviews"
msgstr "Recensione di Amazon"
# Default: Analog left
msgid "analog-left"
msgstr "Analogico sinistro"
# Default: Analog right
msgid "analog-right"
msgstr "Analogico destro"
# Default: Animation department
msgid "animation-department"
msgstr "Dipartimento animazione"
# Default: Archive footage
msgid "archive-footage"
msgstr "Materiale d'archivio"
# Default: Arithmetic mean
msgid "arithmetic-mean"
msgstr "Media aritmetica"
# Default: Art department
msgid "art-department"
msgstr "Dipartimento artistico"
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msgid "art-direction"
msgstr "Direzione artistica"
# Default: Art director
msgid "art-director"
msgstr "Direttore artistico"
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msgid "article"
msgstr "Articolo"
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msgid "asin"
msgstr "Asin"
# Default: Aspect ratio
msgid "aspect-ratio"
msgstr "Rapporto d'aspetto"
# Default: Assigner
msgid "assigner"
msgstr "Assegnatario"
# Default: Assistant director
msgid "assistant-director"
msgstr "Assistente regista"
# Default: Auctions
msgid "auctions"
msgstr "Aste"
# Default: Audio noise
msgid "audio-noise"
msgstr "Rumore audio"
# Default: Audio quality
msgid "audio-quality"
msgstr "Qualità audio"
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msgid "award"
msgstr "Premio"
# Default: Awards
msgid "awards"
msgstr "Premi"
# Default: Biographical movies
msgid "biographical-movies"
msgstr "Film biografici"
# Default: Biography
msgid "biography"
msgstr "Biografia"
# Default: Biography print
msgid "biography-print"
msgstr "Biografia"
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msgid "birth-date"
msgstr "Data di nascita"
# Default: Birth name
msgid "birth-name"
msgstr "Nome di nascita"
# Default: Birth notes
msgid "birth-notes"
msgstr "Note di nascita"
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msgid "body"
msgstr "Corpo"
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msgid "book"
msgstr "Libro"
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msgstr "Libri"
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msgstr "Posizione nella bottom 100"
# Default: Budget
msgid "budget"
msgstr "Bilancio"
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msgid "business"
msgstr "Affari"
# Default: By arrangement with
msgid "by-arrangement-with"
msgstr "Arrangiamento con"
# Default: Camera
msgid "camera"
msgstr "Cinepresa"
# Default: Camera and electrical department
msgid "camera-and-electrical-department"
msgstr "Cinepresa e dipartimento elettrico"
# Default: Canonical episode title
msgid "canonical-episode-title"
msgstr "Titolo dell'episodio in forma canonica"
# Default: Canonical name
msgid "canonical-name"
msgstr "Nome in forma canonica"
# Default: Canonical series title
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msgstr "Titolo della serie in forma canonica"
# Default: Canonical title
msgid "canonical-title"
msgstr "Titolo in forma canonica"
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msgid "cast"
msgstr "Cast"
# Default: Casting department
msgid "casting-department"
msgstr "Casting"
# Default: Casting director
msgid "casting-director"
msgstr "Direttore del casting"
# Default: Catalog number
msgid "catalog-number"
msgstr "Numero di catalogo"
# Default: Category
msgid "category"
msgstr "Categoria"
# Default: Certificate
msgid "certificate"
msgstr "Certificazione"
# Default: Certificates
msgid "certificates"
msgstr "Certificazioni"
# Default: Certification
msgid "certification"
msgstr "Certificazioni"
# Default: Channel
msgid "channel"
msgstr "Canale"
# Default: Character
msgid "character"
msgstr "Personaggio"
# Default: Cinematographer
msgid "cinematographer"
msgstr "Fotografia"
# Default: Cinematographic process
msgid "cinematographic-process"
msgstr "Processo cinematografico"
# Default: Close captions teletext ld g
msgid "close-captions-teletext-ld-g"
msgstr ""
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msgstr "Colore"
# Default: Color information
msgid "color-information"
msgstr "Informazioni sul colore"
# Default: Color rendition
msgid "color-rendition"
msgstr "Resa dei colori"
# Default: Company
msgid "company"
msgstr "Compagnia"
# Default: Complete cast
msgid "complete-cast"
msgstr "Cast completo"
# Default: Complete crew
msgid "complete-crew"
msgstr "Troupe completa"
# Default: Composer
msgid "composer"
msgstr "Compositore"
# Default: Connections
msgid "connections"
msgstr "Collegamenti"
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msgid "contrast"
msgstr "Contrasto"
# Default: Copyright holder
msgid "copyright-holder"
msgstr "Detentore dei diritti d'autore"
# Default: Costume department
msgid "costume-department"
msgstr "Dipartimento costumi"
# Default: Costume designer
msgid "costume-designer"
msgstr "Costumista"
# Default: Countries
msgid "countries"
msgstr "Paesi"
# Default: Country
msgid "country"
msgstr "Paese"
# Default: Courtesy of
msgid "courtesy-of"
msgstr "Cortesia di"
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msgid "cover"
msgstr "Copertina"
# Default: Cover url
msgid "cover-url"
msgstr "Locandina"
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msgstr "Titoli pazzi"
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msgid "creator"
msgstr "Creatore"
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msgstr "Ruolo"
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msgid "database"
msgstr "Database"
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msgid "date"
msgstr "Data"
# Default: Death date
msgid "death-date"
msgstr "Data di morte"
# Default: Death notes
msgid "death-notes"
msgstr "Note di morte"
# Default: Demographic
msgid "demographic"
msgstr "Spaccato demografico"
# Default: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr "Descrizione"
# Default: Dialogue intellegibility
msgid "dialogue-intellegibility"
msgstr "Comprensibilità dei dialoghi"
# Default: Digital sound
msgid "digital-sound"
msgstr "Suono digitale"
# Default: Director
msgid "director"
msgstr "Regista"
# Default: Disc format
msgid "disc-format"
msgstr "Formato del disco"
# Default: Disc size
msgid "disc-size"
msgstr "Dimensione del disco"
# Default: Distributors
msgid "distributors"
msgstr "Distributori"
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msgid "dvd"
msgstr "Dvd"
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msgid "dvd-features"
msgstr "Caratteristiche del DVD"
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msgid "dvd-format"
msgstr "Formato del DVD"
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msgid "dvds"
msgstr "Dvd"
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msgstr "Intervallo dinamico"
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msgstr "Tratto da"
# Default: Edited into
msgid "edited-into"
msgstr "Montato in"
# Default: Editor
msgid "editor"
msgstr "Editore"
# Default: Editorial department
msgid "editorial-department"
msgstr "Dipartimento editoriale"
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msgstr "Episodio"
# Default: Episode of
msgid "episode-of"
msgstr "Episodio di"
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msgid "episode-title"
msgstr "Titolo dell'episodio"
# Default: Episodes
msgid "episodes"
msgstr "Episodi"
# Default: Episodes rating
msgid "episodes-rating"
msgstr "Voto degli episodi"
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msgid "essays"
msgstr "Saggi"
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msgid "external-reviews"
msgstr "Recensioni esterne"
# Default: Faqs
msgid "faqs"
msgstr "Domande ricorrenti"
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msgstr "Caratteristica"
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msgid "featured-in"
msgstr "Ripreso in"
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msgid "features"
msgstr "Caratteristiche"
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msgid "film-negative-format"
msgstr "Formato del negativo"
# Default: Filming dates
msgid "filming-dates"
msgstr "Data delle riprese"
# Default: Filmography
msgid "filmography"
msgstr "Filmografia"
# Default: Followed by
msgid "followed-by"
msgstr "Seguito da"
# Default: Follows
msgid "follows"
msgstr "Segue"
# Default: For
msgid "for"
msgstr "Per"
# Default: Frequency response
msgid "frequency-response"
msgstr "Frequenze di risposta"
# Default: From
msgid "from"
msgstr "Da"
# Default: Full article link
msgid "full-article-link"
msgstr "Collegamento all'articolo completo"
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msgid "full-size-cover-url"
msgstr "URL della copertina nelle dimensioni originali"
# Default: Full size headshot
msgid "full-size-headshot"
msgstr "Ritratto nelle dimensioni originali"
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msgid "genres"
msgstr "Generi"
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msgid "goofs"
msgstr "Errori"
# Default: Gross
msgid "gross"
msgstr "Lordo"
# Default: Group genre
msgid "group-genre"
msgstr ""
# Default: Headshot
msgid "headshot"
msgstr "Foto"
# Default: Height
msgid "height"
msgstr "Altezza"
# Default: Imdbindex
msgid "imdbindex"
msgstr ""
# Default: In development
msgid "in-development"
msgstr "In sviluppo"
# Default: Interview
msgid "interview"
msgstr "Intervista"
# Default: Interviews
msgid "interviews"
msgstr "Interviste"
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msgid "introduction"
msgstr "Introduzione"
# Default: Item
msgid "item"
msgstr "Elemento"
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msgid "keywords"
msgstr "Parole chiave"
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msgid "kind"
msgstr "Tipo"
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msgid "label"
msgstr "Etichetta"
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msgid "laboratory"
msgstr "Laboratorio"
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msgid "language"
msgstr "Lingua"
# Default: Languages
msgid "languages"
msgstr "Lingue"
# Default: Laserdisc
msgid "laserdisc"
msgstr "Laserdisc"
# Default: Laserdisc title
msgid "laserdisc-title"
msgstr "Titolo del laserdisc"
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msgid "length"
msgstr "Durata"
# Default: Line
msgid "line"
msgstr "Battuta"
# Default: Link
msgid "link"
msgstr "Collegamento"
# Default: Link text
msgid "link-text"
msgstr "Testo del link"
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msgid "literature"
msgstr "Letteratura"
# Default: Locations
msgid "locations"
msgstr "Luoghi"
# Default: Long imdb canonical name
msgid "long-imdb-canonical-name"
msgstr "Nome canonico IMDb lungo"
# Default: Long imdb canonical title
msgid "long-imdb-canonical-title"
msgstr "Titolo canonico IMDb lungo"
# Default: Long imdb episode title
msgid "long-imdb-episode-title"
msgstr "Titolo dell'episodio canonico IMDb lungo"
# Default: Long imdb name
msgid "long-imdb-name"
msgstr "Nome IMDb lungo"
# Default: Long imdb title
msgid "long-imdb-title"
msgstr "Titolo IMDb lungo"
# Default: Magazine cover photo
msgid "magazine-cover-photo"
msgstr "Foto di copertina"
# Default: Make up
msgid "make-up"
msgstr "Trucco"
# Default: Master format
msgid "master-format"
msgstr "Formato del master"
# Default: Median
msgid "median"
msgstr "Mediana"
# Default: Merchandising links
msgid "merchandising-links"
msgstr "Collegamenti al merchandising"
# Default: Mini biography
msgid "mini-biography"
msgstr "Biografia"
# Default: Misc links
msgid "misc-links"
msgstr "Altri collegamenti"
# Default: Miscellaneous companies
msgid "miscellaneous-companies"
msgstr "Altre compagnie"
# Default: Miscellaneous crew
msgid "miscellaneous-crew"
msgstr "Altra troupe"
# Default: Movie
msgid "movie"
msgstr "Film"
# Default: Mpaa
msgid "mpaa"
msgstr "Visto MPAA"
# Default: Music department
msgid "music-department"
msgstr "Dipartimento musicale"
# Default: Name
msgid "name"
msgstr "Nome"
# Default: News
msgid "news"
msgstr "Notizie"
# Default: Newsgroup reviews
msgid "newsgroup-reviews"
msgstr "Recensioni dai gruppi di discussione"
# Default: Nick names
msgid "nick-names"
msgstr "Soprannomi"
# Default: Notes
msgid "notes"
msgstr "Note"
# Default: Novel
msgid "novel"
msgstr "Novella"
# Default: Number
msgid "number"
msgstr "Numero"
# Default: Number of chapter stops
msgid "number-of-chapter-stops"
msgstr "Numero di interruzioni di capitolo"
# Default: Number of episodes
msgid "number-of-episodes"
msgstr "Numero di episodi"
# Default: Number of seasons
msgid "number-of-seasons"
msgstr "Numero di stagioni"
# Default: Number of sides
msgid "number-of-sides"
msgstr "Numero di lati"
# Default: Number of votes
msgid "number-of-votes"
msgstr "Numero di voti"
# Default: Official retail price
msgid "official-retail-price"
msgstr "Prezzo ufficiale al pubblico"
# Default: Official sites
msgid "official-sites"
msgstr "Siti ufficiali"
# Default: Opening weekend
msgid "opening-weekend"
msgstr "Weekend d'apertura"
# Default: Original air date
msgid "original-air-date"
msgstr "Data della prima messa in onda"
# Default: Original music
msgid "original-music"
msgstr "Musica originale"
# Default: Original title
msgid "original-title"
msgstr "Titolo originale"
# Default: Other literature
msgid "other-literature"
msgstr "Altre opere letterarie"
# Default: Other works
msgid "other-works"
msgstr "Altri lavori"
# Default: Parents guide
msgid "parents-guide"
msgstr "Guida per i genitori"
# Default: Performed by
msgid "performed-by"
msgstr "Eseguito da"
# Default: Person
msgid "person"
msgstr "Persona"
# Default: Photo sites
msgid "photo-sites"
msgstr "Siti con fotografie"
# Default: Pictorial
msgid "pictorial"
msgstr "Ritratto"
# Default: Picture format
msgid "picture-format"
msgstr "Formato dell'immagine"
# Default: Plot
msgid "plot"
msgstr "Trama"
# Default: Plot outline
msgid "plot-outline"
msgstr "Trama in breve"
# Default: Portrayed in
msgid "portrayed-in"
msgstr "Rappresentato in"
# Default: Pressing plant
msgid "pressing-plant"
msgstr "Impianto di stampa"
# Default: Printed film format
msgid "printed-film-format"
msgstr "Formato della pellicola"
# Default: Printed media reviews
msgid "printed-media-reviews"
msgstr "Recensioni su carta stampata"
# Default: Producer
msgid "producer"
msgstr "Produttore"
# Default: Production companies
msgid "production-companies"
msgstr "Compagnie di produzione"
# Default: Production country
msgid "production-country"
msgstr "Paese di produzione"
# Default: Production dates
msgid "production-dates"
msgstr "Date di produzione"
# Default: Production design
msgid "production-design"
msgstr "Design di produzione"
# Default: Production designer
msgid "production-designer"
msgstr "Designer di produzione"
# Default: Production manager
msgid "production-manager"
msgstr "Manager di produzione"
# Default: Production process protocol
msgid "production-process-protocol"
msgstr "Controllo del processo di produzione"
# Default: Quality of source
msgid "quality-of-source"
msgstr "Qualità dell'originale"
# Default: Quality program
msgid "quality-program"
msgstr "Programma di Qualità"
# Default: Quote
msgid "quote"
msgstr "Citazione"
# Default: Quotes
msgid "quotes"
msgstr "Citazioni"
# Default: Rating
msgid "rating"
msgstr "Voto"
# Default: Recommendations
msgid "recommendations"
msgstr "Raccomandazioni"
# Default: Referenced in
msgid "referenced-in"
msgstr "Citato in"
# Default: References
msgid "references"
msgstr "Cita"
# Default: Region
msgid "region"
msgstr "Regione"
# Default: Release country
msgid "release-country"
msgstr "Paese d'uscita"
# Default: Release date
msgid "release-date"
msgstr "Data d'uscita"
# Default: Release dates
msgid "release-dates"
msgstr "Date d'uscita"
# Default: Remade as
msgid "remade-as"
msgstr "Rifatto come"
# Default: Remake of
msgid "remake-of"
msgstr "Rifacimento di"
# Default: Rentals
msgid "rentals"
msgstr "Noleggi"
# Default: Result
msgid "result"
msgstr "Risultato"
# Default: Review
msgid "review"
msgstr "Recensione"
# Default: Review author
msgid "review-author"
msgstr "Autore della recensione"
# Default: Review kind
msgid "review-kind"
msgstr "Tipo di recensione"
# Default: Runtime
msgid "runtime"
msgstr "Durata"
# Default: Runtimes
msgid "runtimes"
msgstr "Durate"
# Default: Salary history
msgid "salary-history"
msgstr "Stipendi"
# Default: Screenplay teleplay
msgid "screenplay-teleplay"
msgstr ""
# Default: Season
msgid "season"
msgstr "Stagione"
# Default: Second unit director or assistant director
msgid "second-unit-director-or-assistant-director"
msgstr "Regista della seconda unità o aiuto regista"
# Default: Self
msgid "self"
msgstr "Se stesso"
# Default: Series animation department
msgid "series-animation-department"
msgstr "Dipartimento animazione della serie"
# Default: Series art department
msgid "series-art-department"
msgstr "Dipartimento artistico della serie"
# Default: Series assistant directors
msgid "series-assistant-directors"
msgstr "Assistenti registi della serie"
# Default: Series camera department
msgid "series-camera-department"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series casting department
msgid "series-casting-department"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series cinematographers
msgid "series-cinematographers"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series costume department
msgid "series-costume-department"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series editorial department
msgid "series-editorial-department"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series editors
msgid "series-editors"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series make up department
msgid "series-make-up-department"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series miscellaneous
msgid "series-miscellaneous"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series music department
msgid "series-music-department"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series producers
msgid "series-producers"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series production designers
msgid "series-production-designers"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series production managers
msgid "series-production-managers"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series sound department
msgid "series-sound-department"
msgstr "Dipartimento sonoro della serie"
# Default: Series special effects department
msgid "series-special-effects-department"
msgstr "Dipartimento effetti speciali della serie"
# Default: Series stunts
msgid "series-stunts"
msgstr "Controfigure della serie"
# Default: Series title
msgid "series-title"
msgstr "Titolo della serie"
# Default: Series transportation department
msgid "series-transportation-department"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series visual effects department
msgid "series-visual-effects-department"
msgstr ""
# Default: Series writers
msgid "series-writers"
msgstr "Scrittori della serie"
# Default: Series years
msgid "series-years"
msgstr "Anni della serie"
# Default: Set decoration
msgid "set-decoration"
msgstr "Decorazione del set"
# Default: Sharpness
msgid "sharpness"
msgstr ""
# Default: Similar to
msgid "similar-to"
msgstr "Simile a"
# Default: Smart canonical episode title
msgid "smart-canonical-episode-title"
msgstr "Titolo canonico intelligente dell'episodio"
# Default: Smart canonical series title
msgid "smart-canonical-series-title"
msgstr "Titolo canonico intelligente della serie"
# Default: Smart canonical title
msgid "smart-canonical-title"
msgstr "Titolo canonico intelligente"
# Default: Smart long imdb canonical title
msgid "smart-long-imdb-canonical-title"
msgstr "Titolo canonico lungo intelligente"
# Default: Sound clips
msgid "sound-clips"
msgstr ""
# Default: Sound crew
msgid "sound-crew"
msgstr ""
# Default: Sound encoding
msgid "sound-encoding"
msgstr "Codifica sonora"
# Default: Sound mix
msgid "sound-mix"
msgstr "Mix audio"
# Default: Soundtrack
msgid "soundtrack"
msgstr "Colonna sonora"
# Default: Spaciality
msgid "spaciality"
msgstr "Specialità"
# Default: Special effects
msgid "special-effects"
msgstr "Effetti speciali"
# Default: Special effects companies
msgid "special-effects-companies"
msgstr "Compagnie di effetti speciali"
# Default: Special effects department
msgid "special-effects-department"
msgstr "Dipartimento effetti speciali"
# Default: Spin off
msgid "spin-off"
msgstr "Derivati"
# Default: Spin off from
msgid "spin-off-from"
msgstr "Deriva da"
# Default: Spoofed in
msgid "spoofed-in"
msgstr "Preso in giro in"
# Default: Spoofs
msgid "spoofs"
msgstr "Prende in giro"
# Default: Spouse
msgid "spouse"
msgstr "Coniuge"
# Default: Status of availablility
msgid "status-of-availablility"
msgstr "Disponibilità"
# Default: Studio
msgid "studio"
msgstr "Studio"
# Default: Studios
msgid "studios"
msgstr "Studi"
# Default: Stunt performer
msgid "stunt-performer"
msgstr ""
# Default: Stunts
msgid "stunts"
msgstr "Stuntman"
# Default: Subtitles
msgid "subtitles"
msgstr "Sottotitoli"
# Default: Supplement
msgid "supplement"
msgstr "Extra"
# Default: Supplements
msgid "supplements"
msgstr "Extra"
# Default: Synopsis
msgid "synopsis"
msgstr "Compendio della trama"
# Default: Taglines
msgid "taglines"
msgstr "Slogan"
# Default: Tech info
msgid "tech-info"
msgstr "Informazioni tecniche"
# Default: Thanks
msgid "thanks"
msgstr "Ringraziamenti"
# Default: Time
msgid "time"
msgstr "Tempo"
# Default: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr "Titolo"
# Default: Titles in this product
msgid "titles-in-this-product"
msgstr "Titoli in questo prodotto"
# Default: To
msgid "to"
msgstr "A"
# Default: Top 250 rank
msgid "top-250-rank"
msgstr "Posizione nella top 250"
# Default: Trade mark
msgid "trade-mark"
msgstr "Marchio registrato"
# Default: Transportation department
msgid "transportation-department"
msgstr "Dipartimento trasporti"
# Default: Trivia
msgid "trivia"
msgstr "Frivolezze"
# Default: Tv
msgid "tv"
msgstr "Tv"
# Default: Under license from
msgid "under-license-from"
msgstr "Sotto licenza da"
# Default: Unknown link
msgid "unknown-link"
msgstr "Collegamento sconosciuto"
# Default: Upc
msgid "upc"
msgstr ""
# Default: Version of
msgid "version-of"
msgstr "Versione di"
# Default: Vhs
msgid "vhs"
msgstr "VHS"
# Default: Video
msgid "video"
msgstr "Video"
# Default: Video artifacts
msgid "video-artifacts"
msgstr "Imperfezioni video"
# Default: Video clips
msgid "video-clips"
msgstr "Video clips"
# Default: Video noise
msgid "video-noise"
msgstr "Rumore video"
# Default: Video quality
msgid "video-quality"
msgstr "Qualità video"
# Default: Video standard
msgid "video-standard"
msgstr "Standard video"
# Default: Visual effects
msgid "visual-effects"
msgstr "Effetti visivi"
# Default: Votes
msgid "votes"
msgstr "Voti"
# Default: Votes distribution
msgid "votes-distribution"
msgstr "Distribuzione dei voti"
# Default: Weekend gross
msgid "weekend-gross"
msgstr "Lordo del primo fine settimana"
# Default: Where now
msgid "where-now"
msgstr "Cosa sta facendo ora"
# Default: With
msgid "with"
msgstr "Con"
# Default: Writer
msgid "writer"
msgstr "Scrittore"
# Default: Written by
msgid "written-by"
msgstr "Scritto da"
# Default: Year
msgid "year"
msgstr "Anno"
# Default: Zshops
msgid "zshops"
msgstr ""