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synced 2025-03-11 07:15:04 +00:00
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188 lines
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# Authors:
# Derek Battams <derek@battams.ca>
# Pedro Jose Pereira Vieito (@pvieito) <pvieito@gmail.com>
# URL: https://github.com/sickgear/sickgear
# This file is part of SickGear.
# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import formatdate
import re
import smtplib
from .generic import Notifier, notify_strings
from .. import db
import sickgear
from exceptions_helper import ex
from six import text_type
class EmailNotifier(Notifier):
def __init__(self):
super(EmailNotifier, self).__init__()
self.last_err = None
def _sendmail(self, host, port, smtp_from, use_tls, user, pwd, to, msg, smtp_debug=False):
use_tls = 1 == sickgear.helpers.try_int(use_tls)
login = any(user) and any(pwd)
self._log_debug(u'Sendmail HOST: %s; PORT: %s; LOGIN: %s, TLS: %s, USER: %s, FROM: %s, TO: %s' % (
host, port, login, use_tls, user, smtp_from, to))
srv = smtplib.SMTP(host, int(port))
if smtp_debug:
if use_tls or login:
self._log_debug(u'Sent initial EHLO command')
if use_tls:
self._log_debug(u'Sent STARTTLS and EHLO command')
if login:
srv.login(user, pwd)
self._log_debug(u'Sent LOGIN command')
srv.sendmail(smtp_from, to, msg.as_string())
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
self.last_err = '%s' % ex(e)
return False
return True
def _get_recipients(show_name=None):
email_list = []
# Grab the global recipients
if sickgear.EMAIL_LIST:
for email_address in sickgear.EMAIL_LIST.split(','):
if any(email_address.strip()):
# Grab the recipients for the show
if None is not show_name:
my_db = db.DBConnection()
for result in my_db.select('SELECT notify_list FROM tv_shows WHERE show_name = ?', (show_name,)):
if result['notify_list']:
for email_address in result['notify_list'].split(','):
if any(email_address.strip()):
return list(set(email_list))
def _notify(self, title, body, lang='', extra='', **kwargs):
show_name = body.split(' - ')[0]
to = self._get_recipients(show_name)
if not any(to):
self._log_warning(u'No email recipients to notify, skipping')
self._log_debug(u'Email recipients to notify: %s' % to)
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
'<body style="font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">' +
'<h3>SickGear Notification - %s</h3>\n' % title +
'<p>Show: <b>' + show_name.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') +
'</b></p>\n<p>Episode: <b>' +
text_type(re.search('.+ - (.+?-.+) -.+', body).group(1)).encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') +
extra +
'</b></p>\n\n' +
'<footer style="margin-top:2.5em;padding:.7em 0;color:#777;border-top:#BBB solid 1px;">' +
'Powered by SickGear.</footer></body>',
except (BaseException, Exception):
msg = MIMEText(body)
except (BaseException, Exception):
msg = MIMEText('Episode %s' % title)
msg['Subject'] = '%s%s: %s' % (lang, title, body)
msg['From'] = sickgear.EMAIL_FROM
msg['To'] = ','.join(to)
msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
if self._sendmail(sickgear.EMAIL_HOST, sickgear.EMAIL_PORT, sickgear.EMAIL_FROM, sickgear.EMAIL_TLS,
sickgear.EMAIL_USER, sickgear.EMAIL_PASSWORD, to, msg):
self._log_debug(u'%s notification sent to [%s] for "%s"' % (title, to, body))
self._log_error(u'%s notification ERROR: %s' % (title, self.last_err))
def test_notify(self, host, port, smtp_from, use_tls, user, pwd, to):
self._testing = True
msg = MIMEText('Success. This is a SickGear test message. Typically sent on, %s' % notify_strings['download'])
msg['Subject'] = 'SickGear: Test message'
msg['From'] = smtp_from
msg['To'] = to
msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
r = self._sendmail(host, port, smtp_from, use_tls, user, pwd, [to], msg, True)
return self._choose(('Success, notification sent.',
'Failed to send notification: %s' % self.last_err)[not r], r)
def notify_snatch(self, ep_obj, title=None, **kwargs):
Send a notification that an episode was snatched
:param ep_obj: The snatched episode
:param title: The title of the notification (optional)
title = sickgear.EMAIL_OLD_SUBJECTS and 'Snatched' or title or notify_strings['snatch']
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
self._notify(title, self.pretty_name(ep_obj))
def notify_download(self, ep_obj, title=None, **kwargs):
Send a notification that an episode was downloaded
:param ep_obj: The downloaded episode
:param title: The title of the notification (optional)
title = sickgear.EMAIL_OLD_SUBJECTS and 'Downloaded' or title or notify_strings['download']
self._notify(title, self.pretty_name(ep_obj))
def notify_subtitle_download(self, ep_obj, lang, title=None, **kwargs):
Send a notification that a subtitle was downloaded
:param ep_obj: The downloaded episode
:param lang: Subtitle language
:param title: The title of the notification (optional)
title = sickgear.EMAIL_OLD_SUBJECTS and 'Subtitle Downloaded' or title or notify_strings['subtitle_download']
self._notify(title, ep_obj.pretty_name(), '%s ' % lang, '</b></p>\n<p>Language: <b>%s' % lang)
notifier = EmailNotifier