<% require themedCSS('comments', 'comments') %> <% if $CommentsEnabled %>

<%t CommentsInterface_ss.POSTCOM 'Post your comment' %>

<% if $AddCommentForm %> <% if $canPostComment %> <% if $ModeratedSubmitted %>

<%t CommentsInterface_ss.AWAITINGMODERATION 'Your comment has been submitted and is now awaiting moderation.' %>

<% end_if %> $AddCommentForm <% else %>

<%t CommentsInterface_ss.COMMENTLOGINERROR 'You cannot post comments until you have logged in' %><% if $PostingRequiredPermission %>,<%t CommentsInterface_ss.COMMENTPERMISSIONERROR 'and that you have an appropriate permission level' %><% end_if %>. <%t CommentsInterface_ss.COMMENTPOSTLOGIN 'Login Here' %>.

<% end_if %> <% else %>

<%t CommentsInterface_ss.COMMENTSDISABLED 'Posting comments has been disabled' %>.

<% end_if %>

<%t CommentsInterface_ss.COMMENTS 'Comments' %>

<% if $PagedComments %> <% with $PagedComments %> <% include CommentPagination %> <% end_with %> <% end_if %>

style='display: none' <% end_if %> ><%t CommentsInterface_ss.NOCOMMENTSYET 'No one has commented on this page yet.' %>

<% if $DeleteAllLink %>

<%t CommentsInterface_ss.DELETEALLCOMMENTS 'Delete all comments on this page' %>

<% end_if %>

<%t CommentsInterface_ss.RSSFEEDCOMMENTS 'RSS feed for comments on this page' %> <%t CommentsInterface_ss.RSSFEEDALLCOMMENTS 'RSS feed for all comments' %>

<% end_if %>